Chapter 22 - Never Be The Same Again

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Hey everyone, thank you so much for all of your support on this story, it really means a lot to me and for all the Phil fans reading, there is plenty of him in this chapter.

Hope you all like it. :D


~ ~ Chapter Twenty Two ~ ~


"Alright, get the hell up now."

Groaning from under the covers and pulling them tighter around myself as Phil tried to pull them off, "I!" he grunted, tugging as hard as he could as I groaned in reply and pulled back just as hard, turning it into one giant game of tug-o-war.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I snapped from inside my little warm cocoon which he is destroying. With one final tug from Phil, he yanked the covers free from my grasp and threw them to the floor with a triumphant grin. Glaring up at him, I rolled over and curled up into a ball, "Just leave me alone." I mumbled as I closed my eyes and hoped he would just walk away and let me be.

With no such luck. It's Phil we're talking about here.

"Lee, it's been three days! C'mon girl, Dougy would string me alive if he knew I was letting you mope around the place like this." he complained almost to the point of whining and I wanted to punch him in the mouth so bad just to shut him up.

"You're not letting me do anything, I'm doing what I want." I pointed out, hell, if Phil had it his way then I would be acting like Dougy never got a prison sentence, since that's how all the boys are behaving. Do they not care about Dougy at all? He's in prison for crying out loud, not on a holiday!

"Lee." Phil groaned, annoyed with me, "He got a year, get over it, he will be fine. He has friends in there already, besides, he'll be out before you know it on home detention or good behaviour or something like that."

I shook my head slowly, "I'm sorry that I'm worried about my big brother being in a prison full of hardened criminals." I muttered sarcastically, then my tone turned serious, "What if he gets hurt or something?" I asked as I fought back the paranoid thoughts I keep getting about Dougy being in there.

"Dougy? Get hurt? I don't think so, he has probably already been thrown into solitary for attacking another inmate or something." Phil chuckled but I didn't. I didn't see the funny side to that at all as I gave him a deadpan look.

"C'mon little sister, I'm kidnapping you and taking you out for lunch. A's at work for a bit still, Baden and Jeff are.....dealing with something and you are my only friend that isn't busy." he smiled sweetly which only made him look like a creepy stalker.

"A?" I questioned.

He nodded, "I nicknamed her A, Amberly is too much of a mouthfull for me."

Groaning, I rolled over and faced him full on, "Can't we like, order takeout or something?" I asked hopefully, I really didn't feel like going out. It felt wrong to enjoy freedom while Dougy was locked away like a caged animal and he didn't even do anything that serious!

"No can do kiddo, we're going out for lunch, you need sunshine, fresh air and honestly? The whole moping around thing is not a good look for you." Phil commented as he looked me up and down with scrutiny, I glared at him but said nothing back.

I knew Phil too well and I knew he would pester me all day and night long until I agreed to what he wanted, he was so immature and too much like a little kid at times that it was damn annoying, but then at other times, it was pretty entertaining. Just not now.

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