Chapter 30 - Never Be The Same Again

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  • Dedicated to R.I.P ~ You are gone but not forgotten and will truly be missed

Hey, I’ve done this from Jeff’s POV, so I hope you all enjoy it, I done this as a distraction for myself, so it’s not too long but couldn’t get into it, so sorry about that.


~ ~ Chapter Thirty  ~ ~


“Here’s your wheelchair Ambo.” Leila walked in pushing the hunk of metal in front of her with an amused smile on her face, for some reason she loved the fact she got to take care of Amberly but my baby girl wasn’t, she sent a not too pleased look in her friend’s direction.

Amberly was being released from the hospital today and would be going to stay with Phil’s mum, which I'm still not happy about, I want her at home with me but Baden convinced me she will be safer there in case anyone figures out where we are living – again.

“You can cut it out now Lee-lee.” Amberly scolded Leila like she was her mother.

Leila just grinned and shook her head, “You need taking care of and I'm going to do it so much that you get annoyed with me.”

“I already am annoyed with you.”

Standing up from the chair, I walked over to Amberly’s bed and scooped her up in my arms, being careful of her arm in the cast which won’t be coming off anytime soon. She started complaining immediately, thinking I was going to put her in Leila’s wheelchair but when I walked straight past Leila and the chair, Amberly grinned and snuggled into the crook of my neck.

“What the hell Caveman?” Leila shouted from behind me and I heard her shove the chair into something before following and complaining about me ‘ruining everything for her’.

“You can put me down if I'm too heavy.” Amberly whispered into my neck, making me smile.

“You’re far from heavy baby girl.” I whispered back, using the nickname that always made her blush which I loved seeing on her but I didn’t want the others finding out about the name because they would start the teasing and I would be forced to punch them so hard they can’t talk for a week.

I'm not embarrassed about Amberly but I’ve never really been one for showing emotions and this is all new to me I’ve never cared about someone like I have her and I don’t want their stupid teasing ruining it all. I use to be cocky when I was younger but that all changed real quickly from the hard facts of life.

“If you say so.” She smiled back and softly kissed my neck, making me groan slightly to myself, I swear her kisses are going to be the death of me. She giggled quietly and kissed me again but let her lips linger longer this time.

“Amberly.” I warned and she smirked up at me. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to do anything; well realistically less than a week but still, that was too long for me and with her being at Phil’s mums house it’s probably going to make that even longer.

“Yes?” she faked innocence but it’s a look she can pull off so well.

“Don’t tease.”

She grinned slowly and lifted her head up to my ear and whispered softly, “Who said I was teasing?” damn this girl, she looks innocent and is the sweetest girl you will ever meet but behind closed doors – she knows exactly what she does to me and how to do it.

I groaned again as we stopped outside the elevator and Leila walked up, hitting the button with a little more force. Glancing over at her without her seeing I know Baden is worried about her sanity and to be honest, I am a little too. She’s changed, Phil said the day of the drive by that he swears looking into her eyes he seen something snap inside of her but she is keeping it well hidden if it has.

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