Chapter 4: Project 6

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(3rd person POV)

The morning after his encounter with the strange hooded girl, Accelerator took a walk to clear his mind, but walking wasn't exactly helping. As he was engulfed in his thoughts, a bespectacled girl with dyed green hair bumped into him, and some of the paper that she was carrying scattered on the floor.

"Ah, sor--" she bowed, knocking down half of the papers and dropping her glasses. "Eeek!"

She bent down to pick up her glasses and the pieces of paper on the floor, but she accidentally dropped the remaining pieces of paper she was holding, making them scatter across the sidewalk, and a piece flew to the middle of the street.

"Airhead." Accelerator said.

"A-ah...s-sorry..." She bowed again and felt around the floor, trying to find her glasses. "Where are they..?"

"To your right." Accelerator said, sighing at the airhead before him.

"A-ah, thank you..!" She said, finally finding her glasses thanks to Accelerator's 'help', and picked up every piece of paper and stacked them up again. "Ah, oh no...where is it? Where'd page 91 go..?"

"You mean that?" Accelerator pointed to the paper in the middle of the street, and the girl's eyes widened.

"Miss Yoshikawa is going to kill me!"


"Yes, miss Yoshikawa Kikyo, the researcher and scientist. She needs that page for her research."

'So this girl is with Yoshikawa, huh?' Accelerator rubbed the back of his head. "Can't you just get it?"

"Eh..? What?! That isn't a pedestrian's lane and there's a truck coming, it's too dangerous!"

"Fine, I'll get it for you." Accelerator walked off to get the paper as the truck got closer and closer.

"H-Hey! HEY! What are you doing?! You could get seriously hurt!"

The truck was only a few feet away from him, and he turned on his choker-style electrode, about to use reflect but then...

It stopped.

Several bars of metal coming from the ground appeared out of nowhere and stabbed the truck, as someone appeared in front of Accelerator, wearing a hood that covered their clothes, eyes and hair and a black mask that covered half of their face.

"You okay?" The person said.

'Is that...? No. She never used metal. I never saw her ability in battle. All I know is that she's able to make those walls.' Accelerator thought.

"Ah, Tatsu!" The green haired girl said, running over to Accelerator.

"Haruhi Momozono, Yoshikawa has been waiting for you." Tatsu said, picking up the paper on the floor and giving it to Haruhi. "Hurry up."

Tatsu touched the metal that was piercing the truck's tires, disappearing along with it and Accelerator and Haruhi walked back to the sidewalk.
"Um...well, I guess I should properly introduce myself. I'm Haruhi Momozono, nineteen years old, a level two earth controller err, terra kinetic, and Yoshikawa's assistant. And you are..?" Haruhi said, extending a hand for Accelerator to shake.

"Tch. Accelerator, level five." Accelerator said reluctantly, not bothering to shake Haruhi's hand.

"Oh-um, sorry for not recognizing you earlier, mister Accelerator..." Haruhi said fearfully, retracting her hand. She had just now realized that she bumped into the most powerful esper in academy city. "And, uh, that was Tatsu, Yoshikawa's other assistant."

Annihilate (Accelerator x OC) [UNDER HEAVY RECONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now