chapter one

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"y/n!?!" Gally's trembling voice called from the box.
"Where are you?" he shouted.
You wanted to answer but you couldn't.
You were hidden in the woods with Frypan and Jeff, waiting for the chance to make a break to the homestead. Grievers had taken over the glade and were picking off gladers one by one, you couldn't risk catching their attention and putting Frypan and Jeff in danger.

"He's gonna get himself killed yelling like that" Jeff whispered from beside you, careful not to be too loud.
You watched in fear as Gally opened the gate of the box and jumped out. He was gonna get himself killed, Jeff was right. You gasped as a griever plummeted towards him, drooling and snarling aggressively.
As he jumped back into the box, only inches away from the grievers snout, he quickly slammed the gate shut and smashed the grievers head in it, causing green ooze to explode from its body and all over the ground.
You breathed a breath of relief as you watched Gally's head pop back out of the box frantically looking around again.

"Y/n we gotta go now" Frypan shouted over the screams of the other gladers, breaking your gaze. He tugged on your ripped tank top and began to run. You followed suit and ran behind him, pulling Jeff's hand with you.
Jeff ran behind you, gripping his spear tightly.

"Where the hell do we go now?" Jeff shouted, watching as a griever crushed the tree you were previously standing under.
You looked around quickly and noticed Thomas, Teresa, the new greenie (who was the only girl other than you), and a group of gladers being chased by a large griever.

"Come on" you shouted, pointing at the griever and tightening your hold on your spear.
You ran forward, throwing your wooden spear as hard as you could at the griever, piercing it's skull and causing it to scream in agony.
It's inch long teeth snapped at you, turning it's head and charging towards you.
Newts familiar scent hit your nose as he knocked you out of the way of the griever, landing on top of you with a hard thud.
The moment was short lived as Newt stood up quickly, grabbing your hand and standing in front of you.
He gripped his spear so tight that his knuckles turned white.
"Come on" he shouted. "Is that all you got?"
Before the griever could step closer to Newt, flames erupted around it, sending screams out of its mouth.
"Run!" Teresa yelled.
Newt obliged and pulled you with him towards the homestead.
"In here!" Jeff shouted, ushering everyone in.
You were the last one through the doors, slamming them behind you.
"Barricade it!" Thomas' voice yelled.
The boys grabbed everything they could and began piling it in front of the door.
You found Chuck, the youngest one in the glade, and pulled him to the back of the group, guarding him with your body. His big brown eyes looked up at you with fear as the group went silent.
"Its okay" you whispered as quietly as you could. Teresa made her way to you silently and used her body to guard Chuck as well. You gave her a thankful look and she nodded.
The silence was soon broken by the snap of a griever jumping on the roof of the homestead.

Chuck screamed and you hugged him tightly, guarding him from the fear.
"Y/n!" Teresa shouted as the side of the homestead broke open.
A large claw ripped its way through the wooden walls and wrapped itself around you, tearing you away from Chuck.
It's claws dug deeply into your stomach, piercing your skin and causing your shirt to stain red.
You pushed Chuck as hard as you could back into the circle and gripped a post, pulling yourself away from the griever as hard as you could.
You managed to free yourself from its death trap but not before the grievers sharp claws tore through your sides. They withered away and out of the homestead as you fell forward against the group.
Newts tall figure was the first you recognized as it pulled you towards him.
His face was full of fear and his hands were trembling as he placed them over your sides and pulling away to reveal a glove of red.
"I'm okay" you assured him, winching as you pulled your body away from him.
The fight was not over yet. The grievers had not gotten what they wanted yet. The makers were obviously trying to get a kill that would impact the glade immensely .
You had only just realized this as Albys body was enveloped in the blood stained claws of the griever.
They were gonna kill him, you knew it. This griever wasn't gonna give up til it got the kill. Albys large hands gripped a piece of wood and he held on tight. His feet were above him and the only thing left in sight was the terrified look on his face.
The entire group gripped his arms and tried their hardest to pull him in but you knew the griever wouldn't let him go.
He peered down at Thomas and whispered something before looking over at you in Newts arms.
You watched him smile goofily one last time, (as if telling you it was okay) before he let go of the piece of wood and was pulled out of sight.
"NO!" thomas screamed.
Then, everything changed.

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