chapter two

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The glade was silent. The only thing heard was the sizzling of the flames on the broken buildings and the body of the griever that had been killed. You were still hidden in the broken homestead with the group. Newt was lightly examining your wounds with Jeff on the other side of you.
"God these are deep" Newts soft british voice whispered. He gripped your hand tightly but gently as he watched Jeff study the gashes.

You first met Newt about a year or two ago when you came up in the box. You were the first and only girl for a long time and you had become a gardener, alongside Newt. You became close with him almost immediately and felt like you could tell him anything. He told you of how he got his limp and you told him of the nightmares you would have of the world outside the glade. He was the kindest and most genuine person you think you had ever met.He would hold your hand when you'd get hurt and he would make you laugh when you were down. He was the perfect guy and he would protect you no matter what.

His warm hands caressed yours like a glove.
"Newt" you gasped as your cut stung. He released his hand quickly and looked up at your tightened eyes.
He placed one hand on Jeff and stopped him from touching you.
"We should wait til we have better supplies" he insisted. Jeff nodded and backed away from you, carefully dropping your shirt back over your wounds. The group in the homestead broke their eyes away from your stomach and looked out into the glade as they heard the maze doors begin to shut.
"Finally" Minho joked to lighten the mood.
He grabbed one of your arms and slung it over his shoulder, Newt grabbed the other and slung it over his.
The group slowly made their way out into the glade and scanned it for survivors.
"Where is everyone" Chuck asked, in fear of the response.
"I think this is everyone" Thomas responded.
Your heart sunk at the thought of all the lost gladers: Zart, Alby, Gally. Wait Gally?
Your eyes adjusted. A tall broad figure emerged from the smoke. Gally.
"Where the hell is she?" he shouted.
Before waiting for a response, his fist met Thomas' jaw, sending him plummeting to the ground.
"Jesus Gally" Frypan shouted, grabbing Gally and holding him back.
"This is all your fault Thomas" he shouted, trying to fight Frypan off. It was no use, Frypan was much larger than him and kept him secure in place.
"Gally i'm okay" you winced.
His green eyes darted towards you...then, down to your wounds.
"y/n!" he gasped, breaking free from Frypans grip and running towards you. His face dropped as he closer examined your blood stained shirt. Like Newt had said, your wounds were deep and it was obvious.
"What the hell happened" he barked, turning his face to Newt.
"It was a me with its claws but i didn't get stung don't worry" you responded through quick breaths.
Gally lifted up the bottom of your shirt slightly to expose your wounds.
"Jesus y/n" he gasped.
His eyes focused on your wounds for what felt like only a moment before his head jerked to Newt.
"Where were you?" he asked quietly.
"Homestead" Newt responded, pausing to take a breath. "It got Alby too"
Gally's eyebrows rose.
"Well where is he? Is he okay?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.
The group exchanged looks and Newt looked over at you.
"He's gone Gally, the griever it GOT him" you emphasized.
He stood there in shock before abruptly turning to Thomas again and sending a second punch to his jaw.
"This is all your fault Greenie!!! You changed everything"
He jumped on Thomas once more and hit him in the face again.
Frypan and Jeff grabbed Gally and pulled him off of Thomas, entangling his arms in theirs and preventing him from swinging.
Newt turned his body in front of you so that he was facing you and freed Minho from your arm. He caught you gently and held you up, careful not to touch your injuries.
"let's get you to the medjacks hut" he insisted and you nodded, not wanting to see Gally struggle anymore.

- - -
You woke up to the sound of water being squeezed into a bowl.
"ugh" you moaned, opening your eyes slowly and peeking at the roof of the medjacks hut.
"goodmorning" his familiar voice chimed.You expected to feel pain as you sat up but you were surprised when it felt completely comfortable.
"how you feeling?" Newt asked, lifting up the tight tank top you were wearing to check your bandages.
"Surprisingly good..." you said, implying that that you were confused.
He laughed slightly.
"You've been out for a few days, Clint gave you a sedative and closed your wounds, all that's left are little cuts" he said, rubbing your leg as he talked.
"A couple of days?" you asked abruptly.
"You and Thomas both" he responded.
"When we got you in the hut, Thomas got his dumb shank self stung and has been knocked out since."
Your eyes widened and he smiled.
"he's okay...Teresa gave him a dose of the serum she came up with and Jeff says he expects him to wake up later today...i figured you'd wanna be there" he waited for your reaction to his implication that Thomas meant something special to you and to his mercy you only shrugged.

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