chapter five

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"Tie them up" he shouted as two builders pulled Thomas' "unconscious" body towards the posts.
"tie them up?" you whispered to him.
He turned to you and he saw the worry in your eyes.
"i'm not gonna let him back in the maze after what he's done" he whispers to you.
Then he shouts it loudly to everyone.
"You're crazy!" Teresa yells struggling to free her arms from the ties above her.
"Gally let them go" you whisper to him pleadingly. He looks taken aback by your disloyalty to him.
"I'm doing this to protect you y/n" he whispers angrily. "can't you be grateful for that?" his shaking red face edges closer to you and you start to back up.
"I'm trying to protect you from this traitor and you are defending him" his veins were popping in the side of his neck now as he grabbed your shoulders.
Something snapped in Newt when he saw Gally touch you. He ran forward and knocked Gally away from you hard. The loud thud of Gally hitting the ground signalled to Thomas the plan was in motion.
He knocked out the two guys holding him tight as you cut Teresa's hands free.

It all happened so quickly that you were able to stand in a line in front of the entrance holding spears and machetes before Gally could even get off the ground. Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Thomas, Teresa and Newt all stood in front of you as Gally stepped forward.
"back up Gally" Frypan shouted. "you can't convince her to stay"
"stay?" he asked startled. "you're leaving?" he asked staring at you in disbelief.
"we can't stay here anymore Gally. you said it yourself...things are changing." you said, pushing past Frypan and Minho. They put up resistance but ultimately let you through.

"Come with us.. come home" you said, reaching out a hand.
He didn't say a word. His expression was emotionless as he stepped back and peered over the group.
"this is our home" he said "you really think you are gonna make it out there?" his voice said shaking.
Newt stepped up beside you and locked hands with you.
"it's worth a shot Gally" he said, squeezing your hand lightly.
Gally's eyes shot down to Newts fingers intertwined with yours.
"ah i see, you're giving this all up for him" he snarled at you.
You couldn't believe him. You scoffed and looked at the rest of the gladers. They all had hopeful looks in their eyes and stared at you.
Jeff nodded at you encouragingly.
"If anyone else wants to try to make it out there..if anyone else whats to do anything other than spend the rest of their lives locked in here, in fear of what'll happen's your chance." you said, looking at the faces of the boys you grew up with.
Several boys joined the group but Gally didn't. He stood staring at you, heartbroken.
"i'm sorry Gally" you whispered "this is what we have to do..they can't control us out there..please just come with us"
He stood silently considering it for a moment.
"Good luck against the grievers" he said, handing you a machete.
- - -

Your heart sank to your toes as Newt pulled you with him and you watched Gally's face slowly disappear. You would never see him again, you would never hear his dumb jokes or have him teach you how to build ever again.
Now was not the time to think, now was the time to run and fight for your life. You swallowed your thoughts and continued running, keeping a steady pace with the group.
The loud thuds of the groups feet hitting the ground kept you grounded. You followed Thomas and Minho through the foreign maze walls and pictured what would happen when you finally escaped but then your thoughts were interupted.
"You okay?" Newt gasped through heavy breaths. The group had stopped at a corner and peered around the edge at a griever.
His long thin fingers pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
"yeah i'm okay" you responded smiling at him.
"good" Thomas' voice shout-whispered from the front of the group.
"Cause things are about to get serious"

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