Chp 4

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I was laying down, eyes firmly shut, under a tree. That was until a dog came up to me happily, waging it's tail.

Surprised, I looked to see if his owner was nearby to no avail. I looked at his collar, Titus it read. He was insanely adorable, I thought as he sat down next to me with his head in my lap. Me and Titus stayed under the tree until I saw someone come up to me, yelling,

"Titus, why'd you leave?" Asked the boy. Instead of answering, Titus started running around me and barking at the boy. I had to refrain from laughing, covering my mouth.

"Please let me pay you back for your help." Said the boy in a way that sounded rehearsed, clearly he didn't share my amusement. I raised an eyebrow. "How?" I questioned surprisingly curious.

"Come to the manor." He muttered reluctantly.

"The manor?" I questioned having absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

"I'm Damien Wayne and I'm inviting you to my home as thanks. You should be grateful." He almost snarled, daring me to object. I raised my arms in mock surrender before following him.

"Sure, why not?"


"Tim, Jay?" I questioned, frankly, I'm not the fondest of coincidences.

"You know each other?" Damien asked annoyed. Is he ever not annoyed? I wondered.

"We're classmates while my class and I are on a school trip from Paris." I explained smoothly.

"Isn't that wonderful?" Asked Damian sarcastically looking anywhere but at his brother, I assumed.

"Why is she here anyway, demon spawn? Not that I'm complaining." He interjected while letting out a whistle, appreciatively.

"I'm here to thank her." He practically spat out with disgust, most likely dragging me off to his room.

Somehow though, after we had talked, he didn't seem so unbearable anymore.


After class was over the next day, I went outside for a while to relax. And that's exact what i was doing until Lila came up to me.

"I told you, Marinette. You're either with me or against me and you chose wrong unlike your friends." She smiled widely, proud, as though she was awaiting praise.

"Liela, you may think you're smarter than me but all you have is because of me, you're so called friends are your friends only because I permit it. You're nothing until I say you're something." I stated all the while smiling disarmingly. Before waving to Damian, merrily.

"Hello, Malak." Said Damian while Tim and Jason stood beside Damian, whispering with one and other.

"Hi, to you guys too." I teased, though the brothers looked at me, contemplative.

"Are you getting bullied?" Questioned Jay gently, eyes searching mine.

"Not exactly. Lila just likes being annoying." I explained reassuringly.

"We should kill her." Murmured Damian.

"We don't do that anymore, remember?" Reminded or rather chastised Jason. I'm pretty sure my eyebrows shot up through my head.

"They're obviously joking." Glared Tim at his brothers. Yeah, for some reason, I'm not so sure about that.

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