Chapter 1

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"As we continue to move forward, we as a school board have decided to take all precautions for our students safety. We have decided that it's in everyone's best interests to have a dorm mate, a buddy system of sorts, if you will. At least until we finish up heightening security and remodeling the first and second floors. Of course, it should also be common knowledge that the dorm mates arrangements are same sex dorm mates, and curfews will be 9:00pm on week days, 10:00pm on weekends. This will take effect immediately, so you will all be excused from the rest of your classes today and have the weekend to move rooms around. That is all, thank you!" said the principle of UA, Mr. Principle Nezu, over the schools intercom.

"Wait! 9 and 10?! That's an hour earlier!" Whined Kaminari, face palming. "Hey, Sero! We teaming up or what?" He passed by a spiky red headed boy, who's bright red eyes seemed to be scanning the class as they tried to clear out of the classroom. "Hey! BakuBro! What do you say, wanna be my roomie?" He asked, slinging his arm over the ash blonde boys shoulder. Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "Fine. Whatever. But if you snore, I'm blasting you straight out the window." Kirishima chuckled, "Alright man alright! I guess let's go load up our stuff!"


It didn't dawn on either of the boys how much space they'd actually have in their new dorm, until they unlocked the door and walked inside. It didn't appear to be much larger than the rooms they had previously, but now they also had to share. Both boys glanced around the room, blank white walls and soft light brown carpet. Almost exactly like their previous forms before they were able to customize them.

"Well, at least it's temporary." Bakugo muttered, stacking the boxes he was carrying onto the floor, pushing them into the corner with his leg. Kirishima set his boxes down on the opposite side of the room, and then plopped down on the carpeted floor. "I don't even think your bed will fit in here, dude." Kirishima pondered, holding out his arms as if taking mental measurements. "Mines just an XL twin but yours is a Queen sized, yeah? Maybe I can push mine into this corner and-" "then I just bring mine? It's not hard, Shitty Hair. If anything we can at least bring up mine, arrange all this shit and then maybe we can fit yours somewhere. Or, you know, you could actually use a legit measuring tape." He almost chuckled, holding back his laugh as he watched the red haired boy still moving his now stiff almost robot like arms against the wall, counting quietly. Kirishima stopped immediately, laughing lightly as he put his hands behind his head. "Or I could do that!"


"Yeah, no. Not gonna happen. At the very least we could try to put like a pull out couch here, which that could be cool. Good for sleep overs. But yeah, you were right. Not all our stuff is gonna fit in here right now." Kirishima sighed, plopping himself down on the floor, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. Bakugo rolled his eyes, glancing over at his friend. "I could've told you that. At least the rest of our crap fits." Bakugo grabbed one of his boxes and pulled out his laptop, setting it on the desk, and then panic hit him. How was he going to be able to keep his secret from Kirishima if they were going to be living together?

Author Notes:

I'll hopefully update the next chapter of this soon! This is just a major head canon I've had that I wanted to try and write about. Let me know how you like it!

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