Chapter 6

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Kirishima woke up to the sound of his alarm, pressing snooze before his brain could fully comprehend what he was doing. He was exhausted. The very last thing he wanted to do was get out of his warm, comfortable bed, but he knew he had class.

He rolled over, groaning, before realizing he had more space than he did when he had gone to sleep. Images of last night started flooding his mind as he sat up, searching for Bakugo. The bathroom was empty. He noticed Bakugo's black messenger bag was also missing, then Kirishima assumed he woke up early and left.

'Is he avoiding me?'

His face flushed a deep red, remembering their embrace the night before.

'Was he embarrassed?'

Kirishima then sighed, remembering the mystery girl on the computer. His heart sank.
'Maybe he feels guilty?'
Kirishima but his bottom lip, trying to find the will to get up off the bed.

'Or I'm completely over reacting to everything. He was probably just having a nightmare and wasn't thinking.'

He did his best to push all the thoughts of Bakugo out of his head while he got ready for class.


Aizawa's class assignment was still the same, allowing the students the entire class period to work on routines without their quirks. Kirishima nodded over to Bakugo, heading over to him.

"Hey, didn't see you this morning. Everything ok?" Kirishima asked, opening his notebook to their routines pages. Bakugo wouldn't look at him, he just nodded. "Went for a run."

Kirishima paused, looking over at his friend.
'Do I keep asking? Should I ask him later? Does he even remember?'

"I think for the second one, if we both can jump high enough, I can launch you. Kind of like my Catapult special move, and then you'd punch them down and keep them down." Bakugo said, taking the pencil from Kirishima's hand and scribbling his own notes down. It was enough to snap Kirishima out of his thoughts. "Like this." Bakugo motioned for him to get up, and they continued working on their routine.

Kirishima sighed, pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind. Now was not the time to try and investigate, he would just have to ask later.

"Alright, I feel like you use your Unbreakable when you pin them down, then no matter what they have or try to do, we win. Your ultimate move is pretty damn incredible."
Kirishima blushed, chuckling nervously.

"Thanks man, that means a lot. I practiced and worked super hard on it. Pun intended." He laughed, winking at the blonde.

Both boys felt a blush creep up to their faces and they both looked away quickly, hoping the other didn't notice.

'I actually got a compliment? A genuine compliment?' Kirishima thought, almost humming to himself with joy.

"Shit. No quirks, remember? Do you think you could still hold them pinned down long enough for me to land and help pin them?"

Kirishima nodded, still on an emotional high from the previous comment. "Absolutely man. I got your back, you got mine."

Bakugo nodded once, quickly scribbling on the notepad again. "Then I think we've got our moves down!"


Both boys met back up at their dorm, tired out from the day but content. They both felt a sense of accomplishment, now just needing to perfect the moves themselves. They knew they'd get it down in time for the deadline and get a passing grade.

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