Chapter 5

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Monday morning came, the boys groggily getting dressed in their uniforms and headed out to Aizawa Sensei's class. They didn't talk much, each boy taking his seat and they watched their teacher enter the classroom. "As you all know, anything can happen at anytime. The school staff all agree that we need to work on building you up each individually, with and without your quirks. You may run into a villain who can stop or disable your quirk, so you need to be prepared on all levels to combat said villain. Partner up, work together, without your quirks, to come up with hand to hand techniques you can use for yourself in case this event ever occurs."
His eyes scanned the class, making sure they were all paying attention. "However, you will also need to work with your partner to create team moves as well, again, without your quirks. We will be working on this all week, and showcase these new routines at the end of the week. So, partner up, let's head out to the gym area and get started."

Kirishima naturally glanced over at Bakugo, who was leaning back in his chair, visibly annoyed.
'Do I push my luck and ask him to partner up again? Or is he going to get sick of me since we are sharing a room?'

Kirishima watched him get out of his seat, heading out the door with the rest of the class shuffling behind him. He sighed, chewing on his bottom lip as he fought with his thoughts, and then he heard, "Oi, Hair for Brains!" He grinned, waving at Bakugo. "We teaming up?" Kirishima asked, folding one arm across his chest in a stretch. "I've already got some ideas, here's what I was thinking."

The boys sat and discussed their different ideas, stretching as they talked. Once they both felt prepared enough, they began sparring. They went back and forth for the rest of the class period, Kirishima taking notes and scratching out different ideas that they didn't like or didn't flow right.
The rest of the day was just like any other regular school day, cramming in a balance of hero work training and schooling. But in the front of Bakugo's mind was still his sign language appointment.

Of course, he should have just picked someone else to complete the assignment with, because now it was going to be that much harder to break away from the red head. But the one thing he couldn't seem to figure out was why he always gravitated to Kirishima. Not that Kirishima gave him much of a choice, he was always hanging around and trying to make him happy. He was also the only one who wasn't terrified of Bakugo's explosive personality. He could handle anything the blonde dished out, just making it that much easier to get along. Even their quirks were compatible with each other for teaming up.


He didn't understand why that word made his chest feel weird, like for a split second his heart beat was irregular. Bakugo scoffed to himself, brushing the thoughts aside and checked the time on his phone before jogging ahead to his dorm.
It seemed as though Bakugo had beaten Kirishima back to room, so he quickly changed out of his school uniform and into his favorite pair of ripped up black jeans. He tossed the uniform in the hamper, pulling an old black band shirt off his hanger and pulling it on over his head. He needed to hurry, he didn't know how long he had to dodge Kirishima without making it seem like a big deal. His bright ruby colored eyes scanned the room, quickly grabbing his messenger bag and shoved his laptop in it. He checked his phones clock again.


He had time to run out to the field, if he ran fast. He opened the bottom drawer of his nightstand, grabbing the small plastic container he hated so much, shoving it in his back pocket. He made a final sweep of the room, grabbing his hoodie on the way out, praying he didn't run into Kirishima on the way.


It took a few more minutes than he anticipated to clear out of the building and into the field behind it, but Bakugo eventually found a decent sized tree to sit down behind and set up his laptop. He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, and he guessed it was a combination of his mother reminding him that he had his sign meeting, and Kirishima asking where he was.
He suddenly felt guilty, hiding from Kirishima. But what would he think? What would he say? Bakugo bit the inside of his cheek as he shook his head, shaking away the silly thoughts as he logged in to his Zoom meeting.

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