Chapter 8

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The boys tossed their stuff down, Bakugo feeling grateful to be back in his own space.

Well, sort of.

It was getting easier and easier to view UA as his home and bedroom versus the mostly empty bedroom back at his parents house. The boys alternated showers and changed into pajamas, Kirishima still thanking Bakugo profusely for dinner.
"Don't mention it." Bakugo replied, flopping himself onto this side of the bed. He stayed pretty quiet, his mind replaying every thought he'd had this evening.

Kirishima sat next to him, his own mind racing with questions and thoughts. He pulled a small box of caramel chews from his bag, popping one in his mouth. He held out the box, offering one to Bakugo, who shook his head. "Too sweet."

Kirishima's phone buzzed, a text notification popping up on the screen. Bakugo glanced over, reading Mina's name. He tensed slightly, remembering seeing them together earlier and he inhaled.

"You and Pinky are pretty good friends." He said coolly, leaning against the headboard as he folded his arms.

For a split second he felt foolish, getting worked up and jealous when he himself was hiding things from Kirishima also. Kirishima raised an eyebrow at him, but nodded.

"Yeah, Mina's a really good friend of mine. We've known each other since middle school, why?"
Bakugo gritted his teeth, fighting back the overspill of words that wanted to come out.

"No reason, you two just seem close is all." Kirishima half laughed, now leaning his shoulders on the headboard as well. He closed his eyes, still half a smirk on his face.

"Well yeah, I love Mins."
Bakugo froze, suddenly feeling like he couldn't breathe.

'This is so stupid. Kirishima loves everyone. I'm sure that's not what he meant.'

Kirishima nudged Bakugo's side. "What's the deal? Everything good?" Bakugo nodded once, shutting his eyes as he leaned back against the headboard again.

"I swear, you love everyone." Bakugo muttered, catching the red head off guard.
"What's that supposed to mean? Is that a bad thing that I care about my friends?"

Kirishima was now confused and slightly annoyed. What just happened? Did they not just have a great time at Bakugo's house? Were they arguing?

Bakugo scoffed. "She seems to just be really chummy with you is all."
Kirishima blinked, trying to process what was happening. There's no way Bakugo meant what Kirishima thought he meant, right?

Kirishima sat up, trying to read Bakugo's facial expression but he wouldn't look at him. "Look, Bakugo. I don't know what the heck is happening but I thought we were having a good night. It's starting to feel like a weird argument or something and I don't want to fight with you."

Bakugo kept his eyes closed, pursing his lips.
Were they fighting? Was Bakugo really starting an imaginary argument?
Kirishima, now visibly annoyed, sighed as he tossed his hands up in the air.

"I don't even understand what's going on, man. It's not like she's my secret girlfriend or something."
Kirishima immediately wished he had shut his mouth, not wanting to open another can of worms. Bakugo sat up now, eyes locked on Kirishima's.
"Secret girlfriend? What are you-"

"The girl on your computer you keep sneaking off to talk to? The one you couldn't tell your best friend about? You're gonna tell me you aren't dating?" Kirishima interjected, balling his fists and slamming them into his knees.
The room fell silent, both boys flustered and embarrassed.

How had it gotten to this?

Bakugo tried to think of how to fix this before it got even worse.

'Kirishima thinks I'm dating Ichika?'

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