Chapter 2

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The rest of the day was spent moving the two boys' rooms into their now shared space. Kirishima tried to personalize it by hanging up his favorite Crimson Riot poster, and offering to hang up Bakugo's All Might poster.

"Tch, whatever." Was his only reply. Glancing down at his phone, he saw the time and quickly shut off his upcoming alarm.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll study after Shitty Hair goes to sleep."
Bakugo thought to himself, angrily shoving his phone back into his pockets. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Kirishima nodded, push tacs in his mouth as he tried his best to hang the All Might poster above the desk.

The rest of the evening played out fairly normal, the two teen boys arranging their new shared space and eating dinner. As Bakugo broke down another now empty box, he glanced over at his night stand. His eyes wondered over to Kirishima, trying to gauge if he had enough time to grab that small container out of the last box.

"Hey man, I'll take the trash out. Be right back!" Bakugo simply nodded at him, pretending not to watch him as he left. As soon as he felt the coast was clear, he hopped up and dig through the box. He grumbled to himself as he looked at the small plastic box, cursing at it before angrily tossing it into his bottom drawer of his nightstand.

"So did you want to watch a movie or something since it's the weekend?" Kirishima asked, walking back into the dorm. He watched the blonde, waiting for a response. "Yo, man, movie?" He repeated, putting a hand on his friends shoulder. Bakugo jumped, tensing up immediately as he lurched forward. "What?! What the hell is your problem?" Kirishima put his hands up, wide eyed. "Bro, I was just asking if you wanted to watch a movie or something, that's all. Didn't mean to spook you!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the bed. "No need to be all fucking stealthy. Give a guy some warning next time." Kirishima looked at him, puzzled.

"Sorry man, thought you heard me come in."
Now it just felt awkward. "So, want to watch a movie? I can hook up my laptop to the tv, we can watch Mortal Kombat or something?" Kirishima asked, rummaging through another one of his boxes and pulling out some long black cords.

"Sure, whatever. Sounds fine." The red haired boy wasn't expecting that answer. He beamed a toothy grin at Bakugo, who suddenly seemed interested in his hands. "Alright! Give me a minute to hook all this up!"

Kirishima dusted his hands off, proud of his handy work. "All set!" As he turned around he became aware of their lack of personal space. "I uh, guess I'll sit here then?" He asked, pointing to the left side of the bed. Bakugo was still lounging on the right side, eyes closed, and simply nodded. "Dunno where the hell else you're gonna sit." He muttered back. Kirishima sat down, awkwardly, not entirely sure how to approach the next question.

"Am I going to sleep here? I mean, I can sleep on the floor or something until we figure out something. Like I d-" "it's not fucking hard, we're stuck sharing this stupid room. There's barely enough room to walk through, how the hell do you think you're gonna sleep on the floor? Don't make it weird, Hair for Brains. It's just a freaking bed."

Kirishima sat, staring at his friend completely dumbfounded. "Well. Uh, ok then. Cool. Yeah I guess that makes sense I mean it's probably better for my back too ya know. Ha, thanks man I appreciate it." He felt like his heart was going to burst.

'Is this actually real life?'

How was he going to be able to remain calm? How long did they have to share dorms again? He quickly shook his head, trying to get more comfortable sitting besides Bakugo. "Are we gonna watch a movie or not?" Bakugo asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "Oh yeah, no problem!" Replied a flustered Kirishima as he grabbed the remote and flipped the show on.

As the boys laid down, watching the movie, the days events seemed to have caught up with them. Both boys feeling exhausted, they didn't even realize they had fallen asleep before the movie was over.

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