Chapter 7

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The pair woke up determined, ready to take on the task at hand. They both got dressed quietly, simply nodding to each other as they headed out of their shared dorm and into class. It was something Bakugo truly appreciated from the red head. He didn't have to censor himself, he didn't have to even speak sometimes, Kirishima just knew. It made things so much easier when Kirishima was around. He wasn't pressured to answer things or be anything other than himself.

'He wouldn't think less of me for my hearing loss.'
The thought stuck to the front of his mind throughout class.

'If there's anyone I could tell, it'd be him.'

Bakugo heard Mr. Aizawa call him up, and he nodded.
He and Kirishima headed out to the center of the dirt ring, each taking a glance over at the other before giving a nod.

Their bodies were almost fluid, each showing off what they had been working on. Swift punches, perfectly executed round house kicks, they paired together beautifully. Offense and defense, the boys performed perfectly. There was no hesitation, just full trust that the other would do what they had promised. Bakugo lunged up into the air, Kirishima jumping right after, and they locked arms. Bakugo grinned, swinging Kirishima back into the ground where he waited for Bakugo to land and help pin the pretend villain.

"Not bad at all, excellent team work."
Aizawa mentioned, allowing the boys to walk back to stand with the rest of the class. "And if you add your quirks in?"

Bakugo grinned. "Then the villain's good as dead! With Kirishima's Unbreakable holding him down, I'd blast his ass back into space. Wouldn't know what freaking hit him!"
Kirishima beamed proudly, flexing his arm. "Secret special move! I'm calling it, Pop Rocks!"
Kaminari and Mina exchanged glances before cheering for Bakugo and Kirishima, unsure if they had heard that correctly.

'Did Bakugo actually just compliment Kirishima?'

Aizawa called the next group up, allowing Bakugo and Kirishima to meet back up with the rest of the group and spectate.
Sero and Ojiro walked up, ready to show off their move set next, but Mina walked right past them, bee lining for Kirishima.

"Did you tell him?" She asked quietly, locking their elbows together so he couldn't escape. Kirishima rolled his eyes, still trying to regulate his breathing from their assignment.

"No. Why?"
Her eyes narrowed, scanning his face for any detection of deceit. Kirishima felt the heat creep up his face, and he scratched the back of his neck. "Are you sure? Nothings happened? Nothings going on?" She pried. Bakugo glanced over at the pair of them, immediately feeling annoyed.

'Sure is spending a lot of time with Racoon Eyes.'
Bakugo paused, biting down on the inside of his cheek.
'What do I even care?'
He pondered the thought, refusing to believe he felt a ping of jealousy. He watched them intently, focusing on their lips. He was still fairly new at signing and lip reading, but because of his stubborn nature, Bakugo did strive to be the best. He studied as much as he could, determined to learn it faster than anyone else.

"You know I love you, that's all."

Bakugo cringed, was this normal? This felt almost intrusive. Like eavesdropping, but he couldn't seem to pull himself away either.

"I love you too, Mins. If anything happens, you know I'll tell you."

Bakugo's eye brows narrowed.
'What the hell? Is Kirishima in trouble or something?'

Kirishima felt eyes on him, glancing around the students before his eyes met with Bakugo's, and he blushed sheepishly. It caught Bakugo off guard, watching Kirishima's face turn almost as red as his hair, and how his heart started to race again.

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