Mission one.

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"Thomas Barnes. Frost Fighter. James Buchanan Barnes. Winter Soldier. We have a problem, Director Nick Fury is causing problems. We need him dead, you will work with a team of agents. Frost fighter and Winter soldier will count as the last defence weapons. He is going to be heavily armed, kill on site." Pierce gave the orders over the phone, one agent takes me off to a room to gear up, I'm given a pair of grey trousers with a grey shirt and a grey bulletproof vest with a mask that matches, with blackout glasses. Bucky was taken off to another room and geared up in the same in black. I'm handed a few pistols and knives to throw in my boots Bucky has a large grenade launcher that is almost disk-shaped.

After everyone is geared up, Bucky is emotionless, in his winter soldier modes. We are put into a black van and driven into the city, hidden in an ally way.

It doesn't take long for orders to be shouted down our communication that everything has gone wrong and we need to step in, a destroyed and bullet-ridden black truck-like car is about to come flying down the street. Bucky and I motion to stand directly in front of the speeding car, Bucky fires his weapon and it latches underneath the car, causing an explosion and flipping it into the air. I step to one side as it falls towards us and Bucky to the other. As the car comes to a stop we walk towards Nick Fury who is now trapped in the damaged car, bleeding. Bucky rips off the door, and he is gone there is a hole in the roof of the car along with some strange tunnel.

Without any question, I get the winter soldier to move the car with me and I jump into the hole, crawling my way through I'm pulled up into a side street, I see an injured man stumbling toward somewhere. I quickly climb up onto the roof of the bear by building, giving my location. I stalk the man who is now, I side an apartment building ahead of me. He sinks into a chair in the corner near a window. I don't have a clear shot or a weapon with long enough range. Just as I'm watching I hear movement behind me, and pull my pistol only to aim at my dads head. I lower my weapon and point out the location on Nick Fury. As we are watching another man enters the building, causing Nick to stand. Bucky pulls out another weapon and fires 3 shots into the wall I see Fury fall to the floor. We start sprinting away, I look behind me to see the other blond-haired man following us, he has jumped into the building we are on top of and is sprinting below us, we jump down to the next building and I jump down. At the ledge as lucky turns to catch the blond man's shield in his hand. I hear his bionic arm fire back before he jumps after me.

We duck into an ally and slowly walk along towards another street. I follow Bucky not knowing where we are going. I just remember the words he said to me before we left Stay with me at all times. Don't trust anyone but me. So I follow my dad in his shadow the whole way until we end up in some posh house grounds. We are hiding in a bush not far from the glass window. I see a maid but not anyone who we recognise, Bucky doesn't move.

It's now dark and the only person who has been in the house all day was the maid. We finally sneak inside Bucky pulls out a pistol and places it on the table. He sits behind it, I stand in the corner in the shadow as he taught me to. It doesn't take long for piercing to come in. He sends his maid home and looks at the gun, bucky and me.

"Want some milk," Peirce says after swallowing the knot that had formed in his throat he grabs a glass from the cupboard. He pours a drink.

"The timetable has moved, our window is limited. Two targets level 6, they already cost me solar. I want confirmed death, in 10 hours." He says moving to sit and directs the order at my dad knowing I'll follow him like a shadow.

"Sorry, Mr Peirce. I-I forgot my phone." there is a long pause before Peirce breaks the silence.

"Oh, I wish you would have knocked." grabs bucks gun and shoots her twist.

We quickly left after I help Bucky dispose of the dead maid that, has two bullets in it. We are on the move straight away jogging across New York, later to a bridge where we tracked the level, 6 agents, into a car.

On the back of a motorbike driven by Bucky, as we gain on the level 6 threat, he motions for me to take control of the bike, he throws himself onto the roof. Smashing the back left window pulling Sitwell from the seat and throwing him into an oncoming truck. He then fires bullets down in them just as someone pulls the hand brake, Bucky flies off the roof and I race forward to him jumping and rolling to land next to my dad. A hydra truck pulls up behind, the car now staring at us. With the targets and an unknown man, staring at us, as it smashes into the back, I jump and land on our truck as lucky lands on the roof of the car. He smashes the windscreen and pulls out the steering wheel. Quickly landing grabbing my hand as he jumps for the truck. He grabs my hand the truck nudges the car and causes it to spin out and crash into the centre blocks making it dip out of control. I see the 3 figures fall out of the spinning can. They land bundled together, sliding across the floor. I and Bucky jump down and a Hydra agent hands him a grenade launcher, as I stand behind it fires the man of the bridge, I start firing for the woman as bucky launches another grenade at the car she hiding behind. She vanishes from sight as we aim our rifles over the bridge. All of a sudden shots are fired from below one going through my shoulder and one of Bucky's metal arms. He takes off his cracked goggles and we both aim at the redhead. She sprints off down the street and I look at my dad wanting to know what to do.

"Я прошу ее найти его."
I have her. Find him.

We both jump off the bridge and he races after the redhead, I walk towards the bus where his shield is on the ground. And start firing at the engine, he makes it to his shield covering him from fire. He makes it to me punching and kicking me until he flips me on my back as bullets are fired at me from above hitting into my legs and my other shoulder the blond man takes the distraction and sprints after Bucky the firing continues above me, so I push my self to follow after, falling to the floor. I limp and stumble toward them glass in my back and my arms bleeding along with my leg. I collapsed to the floor as I see him take down the redhead and the shield man comes up to engage in a fistfight. I can only watch, the pain vibrating through me. The blond man manages to rip off my dads mask.


"Who the hell is Bucky"

A birdman flies at my dad launching him backwards, there is a stalemate my dad pulls out a pistol as the red headstands and fires a grenade. We use this as an extraction, he races off into the distance to carry me away. As agents come flying from every direction to pin the blond and the redhead along with their friend.

He carried me back to some underground lab with agents all around. He drops me on a bed and sits in a chair. A doctor comes over to get everything out of me and Bucky to get his arm fixed. The go-to inject me. "Awake is fine" I spit at the doctor. They remove the bullet from me and the wound starts the heal slowly as they take then out of my shoulder, bucky launches the guy working on his arm. Agents raise their weapons.

"Dad?" I ask.

Just as Peirce walks into the room.
"Mission report." Bucky stays silent he looks at me and I stay silent. "Misson Report Now" he steps toward him and punches him in the face causing me to wince.

"That man on the bridge, who was he?"

"You met him earlier this week. On another assignment."

"I knew him."

"Your work has been a gift to mankind, you shaped the century and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point, between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning, we are going to give it a push, but if you don't do your part. I can't do mine and hydra can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

"But I knew him"

"Prep him, Wipe him and start over. Get the kid to wipe him too, back basics they are going to Sokovia."

I feel a pain in my neck, I start to struggle as they push Bucky back and put a mouthguard in his mouth, a contraption on his head and everything goes dark.

I wake up in a cold room with nothing in. And just a pair of grey trousers covered in blood. The only thing I can remember is my name. Thomas Barnes. I look down at myself and I can see, a tattoo on my right arm, a bird with ash at the bottom. With a black square ring in silver on my forefinger, with Barnes engraved.

A man with a monocle shows up at the door. The bald man speaks to me through the extreme glass. "My My, little fighter. Your home."

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