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They approached the rover, Clarke made Madi get in in between the two front seats and the guard placed Darcy in the front seat. She began to wake up. "Clarke"

"Hi. You're ok. I'm here." Clarke spoke softly to her

The guard pointed his gun at Clarke. "no. no. Please" Clarke begged him "we had a deal"

"These are my orders." the guard said.

"Put the gun down Joroum" Darcy told him "You are Joroum from sangedakru.. son of Lisbeth from sangedakru" Darcy spoke "You served with honor in the royal guard of Lexa Nom Trikru. You believed in her. Now believe in me."

Joroum lowered his gun and dropped to his knees "Heda"

Clarke shot him in the head.

"Why did you do that?" Darcy asked

Clarke turned to her and lowered her gun "You know why"

"Clarke if we run Octavia wins. Gaia, Indra, and Bellamy will die." Darcy tried to convince her.

"They made their choice" Clarke said closing the rover door and driving off.


Darcy and made drifted off to sleep while Clarke drove. Clarke stoped the rover and looked at Darcy. She reach and touched the collar jerking Darcy awake.

"Stop!" Darcy exclaimed sitting up "No!" Darcy opened the rover door and ran out Clarke following quickly "Get away from me I'm going back"

"Oh no you're not" Clarke said chasing after her "its 50 miles to Polis now get down from there."

Clarke pulled her and the both rolled down the hill. Clarke grabbed onto Darcy.

Clarke and Darcy struggled before Clarke slammed Darcy on the ground "I'm sorry are you okay" Clarke said reaching for the back of her neck

"I said no!" Darcy yelled pushing Clarke off and standing up

"That thing is not staying in your head" Clarke yelled back

"Yes it is! and if you wanna take it you're gonna have to kill me" Darcy told her


"You're willing to let Bellamy die and Indra and Gaia. Why not me?" Darcy asked

"Get in the over" Clarke said not answering the question

Clarke grabbed Darcy and dragged her back to the rover.

"Why are you doing this? I need to go back. Commanders don't run away" Darcy said

"Well, it's a good thing you're not a commander" Clarke told her

They wrestled some more "Dammit Darcy I thought the flame was supposed to make you wise you're acting like the child who attacked me in the woods" Clarke yelled

"Octavia won't run away. And because of you she'll get her war." Darcy argued

"Want to bet" Clarke said

"What are going to do?" Darcy asked

"I'm gonna tell Diyoza that the eye is down. I'm gonna tell Octavia she knows she can decide not to March or March and be destroyed. Either way problem solved." Clarke explained " now get in"

Clarke opened the back of the rover and there were boxes she reached in to open the boxes.

"Clarke be careful" Darcy warned

Clarke pulled out a jar of worms.

"The worms" Darcy realized.

Clarke threw the jar away and turned back to Darcy "two problems solved now get in the rover before I take you up on you ultimatum"

A/N oh my god sorry i took like forever it summer for me and i've just been really busy i'm starting school soon and i probably will be more organized and so hopefully i'll update more often. sorry it's so short.

yesterday - the 100 {book one}Where stories live. Discover now