☾Chapter Eleven - Spilling☽

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CW: Underage drinking, vomiting

Dreams POV

I wasn't completely up for a party but Nick really wanted me to come, we haven't been hanging out much due to my mood so I agreed. I promised myself in the car that I was gonna have a good time but not to the point where I don't remember it.

The house was booming with music, drunken teens dancing and grinding up against each other. I head to the kitchen where Nick said he would be, thankfully he was there.

"You made it!" He smiled.


"Want a drink?" He asked already pouring one to which I accepted. "Oh wow, look whose here." He pointed to the door trying to act surprise, very badly might I add.

I turn to the door and see Karl dragging George in, he didn't seem too happy with the situation "You invited him?"

"I invited Karl, he must have brought George along." It was clear he was lying, he's not great at that but I let it slide; I guess I will be drinking tonight.


Georges POV

Karl begged me to go to Nicks party, I refused at first knowing Dream would be there but he's very convincing. All I had to do was avoid him, i've been doing that for years it's not that hard.

Karl's dragging me off to the living room to meet up with Quackity and Wilbur, there were a few other people around too. Three boys who looked to be on the younger side, and two girls.

Wilbur patted the spot next to him and I sat "Hey George, this is Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo." He said pointing to the boys, the one who Wilbur said was Tommy seemed to be yelling at Ranboo while Tubbo laughed trying to get Tommy to calm down. "And that's Minx and Niki." The two girls gave me a little wave.

"Nice to meet everyone..."

"How have you been?" He asked turning to me, giving his full attention.

"Decent I guess, he's been staying away." I answer "Uhm I think Tommy's trying to take your drink..."

He turned around quickly, slapping the boys hand and taking the drink "Tommy no! I told you, you could come but no drinking."

"But Wilburrrr..." He whined dragging his name out "You're drinking and yet you're underage."

"I'm also nice to Ranboo, you wanna do that too?"

"...I'll stop trying to take your drink..."

Wilbur turned back to me flashing a smile "Sorry about that, thanks for telling me."

"No problem, you two seem close."

"I kinda look after him and the other two." He chuckles.


We've been here for about three hours, i'm having fun but sometimes a crowd gets too much. Time to head to the bathroom for a time out.

I head to the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one was most likely occupied and I probably wouldn't get much alone time. Turns out this one also has someone in it.

They're throwing up, like a lot. I was about to just head back to the group but then it stopped and I hear shifting, then the door opens.


"Georgie!" He has a stupid smile plastered across his face. He's clearly very drunk, I can smell it coming off of him. He tries taking a step towards me but stubbles and falls, luckily I was able to stop him from hitting the ground.

"Dream, you're drunk."

"I know that Georgie~" He laughed trying to stand up again, failing once more.

"Dream is they're a place you can lay down?"

"Mhm..." He hummed pointing to a door. I put his arm around me and help him to the room, i'm guessing it's a guest room.

God I wish he wasn't so big, my arms were sore after I sat him down. I shoot Nick a quick text telling him what happened but he isn't answering and neither is Karl, just my luck. I'm not just gonna leave him here, he could get hurt. I take a seat on the edge of the bed as he laid down.

"Do you want water or something?" I ask to which he nodded. I fill up the cup in the bathroom and return handing it to him, he's quick to chug it.

"You're so good to me." He says, I just hum in response. "You're so pretty."

By now i'm just letting him talk, even if it has some truth behind it; he's drunk and most likely wouldn't be saying this otherwise.

"How can someone even be that perfect?" His words were slurred and they stayed that way, sometimes getting louder while other times getting softer. "God i've missed you." I once again hum in response.

"I think i'm gonna throw up..."

I quickly hand him a trashcan and he vomits while I get up and head to the connecting bathroom, grabbing a hand towel and running it under cold water. I ring it out before bringing it to him, putting it across his forehead.

"Thanks... You're always so helpful."

"How much did you even have?"

"I don't know... Nick was supposed to cut me off but we got separated."

"He's not answering his phone."

"Good thing you're here." He smiled sitting up to face me. "Georgie, you're so hot~" I can feel my face heat up as it reddened.

I wanna be mad at him but it wouldn't solve anything especially due to the state he's in. He starts to lean in but instead of him trying to kiss me he just pulls me closer to him; resting his head on my shoulder. Eventually I text Wilbur asking if he could take Dream and I home to which he agreed.

Wilbur walked in and gave me a small smile "You need help?"


He helped me lift Dream up, Nick would probably be okay letting him stay over but I wasn't sure. We got him set up in the backseat of Wilbur's car before he got in the drivers seat and I got in the passengers.

I gave directions to Dreams house, since it wasn't far we arrive pretty quick. Wilbur once again helped me, we take him inside and upstairs trying to be quiet. Thankfully no one woke up besides Drista who was already awake, she was the one to open the door for us.

The car ride to my house was completely silent, we were both tired and just wanted to go home. As I step out of the car I tell him thank you and walk up my drive way before entering my house; hearing him drive off soon after.

It's already one, i'm exhausted so I quickly change then flop down in my bed drifting off to sleep soon after.

[ 1128 Words ]

|| Hiya, schools about to end for me and i'm failing miserably but it's whatever. Last chapter I said I had so many stories I could write next and that i'll probably have you guys vote; well I think i'm just gonna do a random number generator instead unless you guys actually wanna pick. Either way it's fine. Anyways maybe consider voting? Have a great day/night <3 ||


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