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Today was the day. A day that made Angela get up a lot faster than any other day. Today, she was going to make sure that no tormentors will suck the living life out of her happiness. Nope, not today. She was going to have her first date, with Sheldon. Not many people will think that this was special, to Angela it was. To show that today was special, she wore her hair in a ponytail with a turquoise ribbon tying it. Girliest she has ever felt in a long time.

She wore jeans with a turquoise v-neck that matched with her ribbon with black flats. She wasn't going to be spiffy to work, tonight she was going to try her hardest to make herself pretty. After putting her finishing touches, she grabbed her backpack and headed outside her apartment. She locked up her door and walked down the hallway with a glowing smile on her face.


Angela made it to work a lot earlier than expected. She hadn't realized the time it was when she left, and look where it got her. Great, now it's going to be a long day. She shook her head pushing all negativity, and walked into her office humming a french song called "La Vie En Rose". Who can blame her? It is a romantic song, that matched her day today.

Today, today, today! It's actually happening today! Angela was such in a good mood, no one can ever match her happiness. God, she felt like dancing. This is probably the most important day she has ever had. Nothing can ruin this day for her. Nothing.

Hours later, Angela was still blooming with excitement. Sheldon went to go pay her a visit earlier that day to say good morning and saw how happy she was. Honestly, her happiness was extremely contagious. It made him smile at how foolish she looked but adorable.

It was noon, and with all the excitement happening, she forgot to call her father to express what she felt. She even forgot to call him last night to say goodnight. Well, she was going to tell him everything that's happened so that way he's caught up. She dialed his number on her phone number and waited and waited. Ben didn't answer, but it didn't stop Angela. She dialed one more time, and he answered it on the first ring.

Angela said, "Hi, daddy! I'm so glad you answered, there is so much to tell you."

"Erm, Angela?" This wasn't her father. This was Sandy.

"Sandy? What are you doing with my father's phone?" Angela asked, with a confused look.

There was a long, long pause on the other line. Angela sat in her chair with her chin resting on her hand, waiting for Sandy. She had gotten so used to the silence, she jumped once she heard a loud ugly sob on the other line. Angela felt lost, she didn't know why she heard her big sister sobbing. "Sandy? What's happening? Are you OK?" She asked, feeling her heart pound against her chest.

Sandy started to calm down, and Angela was now a lot more concerned and more involved with this situation. "Sandy, why are you crying? Is father there? Let me speak to him."

"N-n-no, baby...are you sitting down?" Sandy asked. Baby? She's never called me that since I was a small child, she thought.


"Is Sheldon there? Anybody?" Sandy questioned.

"Um, no. W-why do you ask?" Angela asks.

"He needs to be there with you."

Angela's eyebrows furrowed, "I-I don't understand. He's working and so am I."

Then, there was another round of sobbing. Angela was beginning to get worried and afraid. "Baby...I need you to stay on the phone with me, OK?" Sandy instructed.

"OK..." Angela whispered.

Sandy gave out a shaky sigh, "Last night...Daddy--he...he," Sandy sobs. "He passed away. In his sleep..."

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