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It was the afternoon the very next day. Sheldon and Angela were still sleeping peacefully, with Angela still in Sheldon's arms. Angela's eyes fluttered open, and was wondering what was around her waist...or who's arm was around her waist. She followed where the arm belonged to, and her heart nearly exploded when she saw who it belonged to. She quickly jumped out of bed, and fell on her butt, still looking at Sheldon with frantic eyes.

Sheldon stirred, but did not dare open his eyes to see where his colleague went. Luckily, Angela did not have her asthma attack...yet. But, yesterday's events were all so so so blurry, it gave Angela a migraine. From support from Sheldon's bed, she got on her two feet and ran to the bathroom and couldn't believe what kind of morning she had woken up to.

It was too much to accept or believe, but what mattered the most is what happened last night. Angela went through the process of creating an imaginary flow map of yesterday's events.

Man...the letter...dinner? Man, the letter, dinner. Man, the letter, dinner, Angela thought. Man, letter, di---champagne! Man, letter, champagne, dinner...Angela gasped.



Sheldon awoke when Angela returned from the bathroom and sat down on her bed with a blank expression. "Angela?" Sheldon cutely said. Angela looked at Sheldon. "Why are you in my bed?"

"Your bed? You're in my bed, and I don't know why..."

Sheldon sat up slowly, and looked at Angela with a confused expression, "What are you talking about, Dr. Richards? I'm confused."

"I'm as confused as you are..." Angela whispered. "You kissed me...and I kissed you back. Oh, we cannot do this. It's unacceptable, I can lose my job. We can lose our jobs."

"Angela!" Sheldon raised his voice, and he finally got her to quiet down. "Why are you acting unusual?"

"Doesn't it occur to you that you are in my bed? That I'm panicking, and this morning, I found your arm was around my waist?! Why doesn't it set off any alarms?!" Angela snapped at Sheldon.

Sheldon sat there, thinking what she was talking about. Is she referring to a movie?, Sheldon thought.

Angela started to tear up, she was afraid for both of them. President Seibert has a rule where you cannot have romantic relations with a colleague in the same department as you since you never know when you will break up and cannot risk uncomforting others around you or the ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. No sexual relations, no romantic relations, no nothing where you deal with a colleague in the same department! She was scared to death! So, she rather not tell Sheldon about the kiss, or anything about what happened. No matter how much she wishes to tell him to see if he will be happy, she can't.

"No, I don't remember anything. Tell me why you're upset, Angela."

Angela let out a shaky sigh, "I can't. Just, forget about this. My head just hurts from the champagne."

Sheldon blinked, "Oh, I see...let's attend to our headaches." Sheldon got up from the bed, and went to find the Tylenol. Angela sat there, and blinked. I just want to go home, Angela thought. With him...


One month later...

"Alright, Ms. Richards. You're all set. Make sure to take it easy on the leg, and to call if there is too too much pain. Congratulations without the boot." Doctor Seth says.

"Thank you." Angela grimly said, walking out of the doors of the building. She just had her latest check-up with Dr. Seth to check on her now healed leg. She no longer looks damaged as she was a month ago. Now, she was back in Pasadena living peacefully...without her physicist. She misses Sheldon. She hasn't seen him after their trip to her hometown, because she was avoiding him. Sheldon would send her many many many emails to her, usually about the research or where she was. To this day, he still does.

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