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[The present time is December 14, 2016. The time Sheldon will be talking about will be on the day of September 17, 2015. Just to let you know c: Also, this chapter will be a part one. Enjoy!]

(P.S-Picture above is just for fun XD)


September 17, 2015

"Hey, guys!" Howard says, sitting next to Raj at the lunch table with his lunch. Sheldon ignored him and kept eating, as always. You know, because he is an engineer.

Howard saw this, and ignored him too. "Anyway," He started. "Since today is Anything Can Happen Thursday, what's our schedule?"

Leonard shrugged, "I dunno. Penny wanted to go out clubbing."

"Really?" Raj said, kind of unsure.

Howard nodded, "I'm down for it."

Raj turned to him, "You're down for it?"

"My choice of words don't need your criticism."

Leonard stepped in, "Okay, okay, girls. Stay on topic."

Sheldon sighed, "If we're going to do 'clubbing', I'm choosing to not attend."

"C'mon, Sheldon. Don't be such a party pooper!" Raj said.

"If we're going, you're going with because no one is going to be left behind." Howard chimed in.

"Plus, I'm sure Amy would want to go." Leonard teased.

Sheldon rolled his eyes. They're pulling out the Amy card, Sheldon thought. Even if Amy did want to go, he wishes to not go. He loved her. Everyone knew that. Except, him and Amy have been having arguments. Left and right. He knew there was something wrong with her because she was the one who was starting the arguments. Not him. She's been very distant too. Very, very distant. It seemed to have gotten worse as time rolled by. For instance, Sheldon would Skype Amy, and their conversation would end in like five minutes. How? Amy would end it.

No one was aware that all of this was happening, and Amy and Sheldon would like to keep it like that so they won't have to worry about those two.

"I'd rather not go." Sheldon answered.

"But, what if she did end up going?" Leonard asked.

"I'd let her. She can go. But, I don't want to go because I have a lot on my hands."

Raj furrowed his eyebrows, "Well, I guess we're going clubbing." He said. He kind of didn't want to go either. But, he knew him and Emily can use this time to be together.

Howard half smiled, "Alright! Didn't think that it would be this fast to find out what to do on this wonderful Thursday." He grabbed his phone and quickly texted Bernadette.

Sheldon watched his friends text their girlfriends, and had a turning feeling that he should just go to Amy's lab and tell her himself. He was a gentleman after all.


"Okay, what do you think about a chimpanzee befriending a human being? That could be a bestseller." Leonard told Sheldon, as they were walking down the hallway towards Amy's lab. Sheldon was just longing for this tiny journey to end so he can talk to Amy. He had never heard Leonard talk this much, maybe that's why he was feeling bored.

"That's copyright, Leonard. Planet of the Apes."

Leonard scoffed, "Whatever. It doesn't hurt to dream!" He teased Sheldon, referring to his emotionless mind.

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