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[Let's take a break from Shangela, shall we?]

"Will your husband be joining us?" Dr. Harrison asked.

Bernadette gave the docter a smile, "Yeah, he just went to the restroom."

Dr. Harrison started to get the ultrasound ready, while Bernadette lied on the small bed that was provided. ", doc, do we know what my baby is, yet?" She asked, sounding a little bit nervous.

He turned around to look at her and was about to say something until Howard had busted through the door: "Sorry, I'm late! The restroom...had some problems." Howard chuckled awkwardly.

Dr. Harrison looked at Howard unbelievably, then motioned towards a seat next to Bernadette, "Please, have a seat." Howard, still chuckling awkwardly, sat down next to her.

The doctor looked back at Bernadette, "What I was saying," He says. "Your baby's gender will be determined today. Shall we get started?" He said, taking out the gel to put on Bernadette's tummy.

Bernadette smiled, and nodded, "Sure." Howard held Bernadette's hand, while the doctor was applying the gel. "Mr. Wolowitz, can you please turn off the lights for us?"

"No problem, doc." He said, reaching to turn off the switch, still holding onto his wife's hand. The doctor had started to search for the small fetus, and the married couple looked at the small T.V to see their future child. When it started to take a while, Howard had felt a tiny squeeze from Bernadette, meaning she was getting scared.

"Oh, would you look at that?" Dr. Harrison said, pointing at a small figure on the T.V. Bernadette sighed in relief and grinned at Howard who returned it. "Let's see if we can find out what you are." He said, moving the transducer around.

"If we see what looks like a hot dog, it's a boy. If we see what looks like a hamburger, it's a girl." The doctor explained to them. After a minute, Dr. Harrison found what looks like a hamburger. "Would you like to know what your child is?" He asked them.

"I'm saying yes," Bernadette told Howard. Howard smiled, "Alright, go for it."

"Well, congratulations, you're having a baby girl." He told them. Bernadette squealed, and Howard got up to hug her and she hugged back. "Oh, my God! It's a girl!" She exclaimed.

"We're not quite done yet." Dr. Harrison said. "We still have to check out the heart beat."

"Oh," Howard said, sitting back down. "Proceed."

Dr. Harrison put on the speaker for the baby's heart monitor. And they were all welcomed with a loud heart beat.


Howard and Bernadette were walking in the parking lot with Howard's arm around Bernadette and was holding her purse. Howard was noticing his wife was quiet. Something he had been noticing lately. "Hey," He said, bringing her closer. "You've been acting really quiet lately, something on your mind?"

Bernadette nodded, "What if I turn out to be a bad mom?"

"No, no, no. That's what every mom out there thinks when they're pregnant, Bernie. Don't worry about it and just think about now." Howard told her. She half-heartedly smiled, and started to think about what the future will bring. She couldn't wait to dress up her daughter in cute little dresses, and play with her, and do her hair. It's too exciting to think about. Only one thing on her mind is the stupid wait. She just wants to see her already.

"Are you excited to be a dad?" Bernadette asked Howard, looking up at him.

"I'm ecstatic! I just can't wait to take her to Comic-Con one day and see her cosplay as the eleventh doctor from Doctor Who or dress up as Captain Kir---"

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