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Angela was about ready to head home, until she gets a call. She rolled her eyes thinking about the idiotic human that was calling her obviously didn't know her work hours. She sucked in a breath trying not to lash out on the phone, and put on a fake high pitched voice, indicating that she is trying to reach home.

"Hello, Dr. Angela Richards, how may I help you?" She said, sitting back down on her chair. "Hi, Angela! How you doin' this fine evening?" President Seibert said through the phone. Angela despised President Seibert from the beginning she started this career, she hated when his poor use of language talked to her, she hated when he always dared to make Angela work with someone, and she always hates when he always tries to be nice in front of her. Angela always corrects him and she always tries to annoy him. It was 50/50.

"You mean, How are you doing this fine evening. Not had said..." Angela corrected. She heard President Seibert sigh in annoyance, "Oh, I'm doing quite fine! Thanks for asking!" Seibert sarcastically says.

"Um...You are welcomed?" Angela said, sounding confused. She didn't even ask how was he doing, and he just says Thanks? She wasn't very fond of sarcasm as everyone else was. She didn't understand it at all, and she doesn't have time to think it over. She was a busy woman.

"My god, Angela! It's sarcasm...!" Seibert says in a frustrated tone of voice. Angela rolled her eyes, "President Seibert, I really do not wish to learn about sarcasm. I have things to do in my home and I really appreciate it if you sped things up." Angela said, losing patience. Seibert sighs, "Angela, since you are the most intelligent woman in this university, I would like to have you know that tomorrow, I would like to arrange a meeting with you and another intelligent male in my office." Seibert says, scaring Angela's mind.

Angela always believed that she was the most important/intelligent person in the whole university (Counting both genders). She was supposed to be the most important woman in the whole university, and she was going to control the world with her most genius theory. But, her dreams of controlling the world are taking a whole new direction. This 'intelligent male' will now taste her fist inside his--

"Angela? You there?" Seibert's voice sounded through the phone. Angela shoke her head out of the trance of murdering this male. "Um, yes! Yes, I'm here." She mumbled. "Okay, the time of the meeting is at 9:30 in the morning, I really need you there, Angela. It is very important." Seibert said. "OK, President Seibert. I will meet you there. Goodbye." Angela said, hanging up.

"And good ridence."


"Then, he says, 'Sheldon, this meeting is very important and I need you to attend. The most intelligent female will be there.' Hahahahaha! Can you believe that nut job?!" Sheldon laughs out loud, while everyone else was eating their Chinese take-out, not laughing at his story. "'Most intelligent female.'! Hahahahaha! I am the most intelligent person out of everybody in the university and he says that! He's crazy!"

"And he's crazy?" Penny says, raising an eyebrow making everyone snicker. Sheldon stops laughing and looks at Penny dead in the eye, "As a matter of fact, I am not crazy. My mother had me tested." He says pointing a finger at her. Penny exchanged glances between Sheldon and his finger, "Get that finger out of my face, before I go Nebraska on your ass!" Penny raised her voice, pointing a fork at him.

"Hold on, Penny. Violence is not the answer." Sheldon says, raising his hands up. "It is unless you're on P.M.S." Leonard whispers, everyone laughs. "What'd you say, punk?" Penny says turning to Leonard who was sitting next to her. "Nothing, nothing." Leonard says, putting his hands up. "That's what I thought." She says, continuing eating her Chinese take-out.

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