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"Chief, they'll all be here," Jimin speaks in a hushed voice on the phone. "At the Travertine Plaza, midnight. I've done good, they all trust me completely. I'm like family to them."

"Good," The police chief says. "Great work. It'll be great to see you again after a year. I can't believe I'm even talking to you right now."

"I'll be happy to see you too," Jimin agrees. "Hey, is...is he allowed to arrest me? I miss him a lot." He doesn't say his name, to protect him.

"No," He imagines his chief shaking his head. "You two are both amazing detectives, but that's just too risky. You might break. I'll take care of you, don't worry."

Someone walks into Jimin's room. "Yeah Joonie, I understand, we'll roll out a shipment to you by the end of this week." He quickly hangs up. "Hey Bronze."

"Hey Tourmaline," He narrows his eyes. Only the highest ranked officials know the real names of everyone in the organization. Jimin's climbed up the ranks in the past year, but he's not that high up. "Who was that?"

"One of our most loyal clients," Jimin lied. "Pays really well for the best stuff we got. You know Joonie, don't you? Or, oh no, did the boss not tell you? Oh that's not good. I thought they've told all the higher ups about Joonie. Shit, maybe they don't trust you...oops. I probably should've kept it to myself."

"Ugh, no one tells me anything!" Bronze storms out of the room.

As soon as he does Jimin exhales. That was close, he could've gotten caught right there. He closes his eyes. Hopefully, after over a year, this was one of the last lies he had to tell.


"Police! Put your hands in the air!"

Startled, the room of important and unimportant people alike react in various different ways. Some froze, some tried to run, but it was no use, all the entrances were surrounded. Jimin stared with wide eyes.

"Oh shit," He mumbles, before he starts running.

"Hey!" He recognizes that voice; it belonged to the one that grabbed him harshly by the shoulder and pushed him against a table. He put handcuffs on the smaller's wrists.

"Let me go you fucker!" Jimin yells, but the chief of the department only recites the statement police officers say while arresting people.

But he continues to struggle. Until he gets to the car, until they drive to the station, even inside the station he's throwing around profanities.

"This is fucking stupid," He grumbles. "I didn't do shit officer, just let me go."

"Come on, you're going straight to interrogation," They walk at a quick pace, Jimin getting pushed along past so many familiar faces, criminals and officers alike. They walk into the interrogation room, and the chief pushes him down on the chair. He steps back, looking at him for a second, before giving him a big smile. "That red suit looks really good on you Min."

Jimin returned it. "I missed you Joonie. So much."

"I missed you too," Namjoon beamed, taking off the handcuffs. "Come to the station once and a while during your break, okay?"

"I will when it's safe," Jimin promises. "No go. Please. You're my friend and chief but I think you know what I want right now."

"I do," Namjoon nodded. "I have a job to do anyways. I'll go get him."

The door closed behind him and Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. He was very dressed up right now, for the gala that the police raided. As Namjoon said, he was in a crisp red suit, velvet. His hair was blonde and combed, put up with gel. He looked important, he was important. For both the drug world, and the major shutting down of a huge branch of the New York drug world. He smiled at himself in the mirror, but that smile faltered.

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