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Jungkook inhales the fresh cold air, his nose hurting a bit. It's probably red, the same bright red as his knuckles, even despite wearing gloves. A fresh layer of snow covered even more snow on the ground of the Colorado mountains.

Every year for winter break, Jungkook's family goes to this ski resort. They spend both Christmas and New Year's up there, spending time with people they see yearly, at this resort only. Jungkook's parents have many friends, Jungkook's brother even has a few friends he sees every year. Jungkook doesn't have anyone, it's always been hard for him to make friends, he's not sure why.

But that doesn't matter to Jungkook, today was the first day of break! He'd just ski to his heart's content, then warm up in the lodge, hanging out in the area for teenagers; one of the parts that made this place appeal to families so much, until it was time for bed.

He neared the ski lift, hopping on. He takes another deep breath, so content and full of joy. This is going to be an amazing two weeks.


The change from the frigid snowy outside to the warm cozy inside was comforting to Jungkook as he walked through the door. He had put away all his gear, changed his shoes at the entrance, and was now in the lobby of the lodge, where Christmas music was playing softly, paring with the crackling of the fire quite nicely.

The lodge was huge, with multiple stories and no elevator. The lounge for teenagers was on the roof, so Jungkook got trekking up the wooden staircase. There was a room on the roof, warm and full of life, but there was a balcony surrounding it all.

There were many windows up at the top room, which Jungkook loved. These two weeks were the only two of the year he got to see snow. He lived in Arizona, there was never any snow in Arizona. But Jungkook loved the cold. He wanted to live in the cold someday.

He entered the room, with about twenty kids ages 13-18 there, maybe twenty-five. There was music playing, people were talking, the sound of arcade games echoed around the room. Like the rest of the lodge it was comfortable, but it was a space more geared towards people Jungkook's age. Jungkook went to sit at the couch in the middle of the room.

He just sat there and scrolled on his phone. Skiing had exhausted him, so he didn't want to do much at the moment, just sit.

All of a sudden, he hears a, "Hold I know you?"

Jungkook looks up. Standing about a foot away from him was a boy his age who looked vaguely familiar. He squinted. "Wait, are you from Arizona?"

"Yes," The guy nodded. "Do you go to Catalina Foothills?"

"Yeah I do," Jungkook tipped his head as a name pops into his head. "Jimin is it?"

"Yeah actually," He nods. "And...oh, Jungkook?"

"Yep," Jungkook was surprised they knew each other's names.

"Didn't we have psychology or something together like two years ago?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, I think so," Jungkook tries to remember. "Back when I was a freshman."

"Oh so you're a grade behind me," Jimin's eyes widen. "I thought we were the same age, but I guess it makes sense now why we've never had another class together."

"Yeah," Jungkook pauses for a second. "This is so weird."

"I know, right?" Jimin agrees. "What are the odds that I'd see someone I knew 800 miles away from home? I thought that only happened in Disneyland."

"Yeah this has never happened before," Jungkook tells him. "And I've been coming here all my life."

"Oh, cool," Jimin smiles a small smile. "Hey, mind if I sit here? I don't know anything about this place, and being alone is kind of scary."

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