Chapter 5

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Kara's POV

I had just gotten off of the phone with Lena when the adoption agency called me. They said that Rosalind would be here at about 2 p.m. It's now 10 a.m. so that gives me roughly 4 hours. The social worker on the phone had told me that she was going to bring her here. She had mentioned that Rosalind felt more comfortable doing so than me picking her up.

I really hope that things don't turn out awkward and that she likes me. And I hope that she likes it here. She'll have her own room and everything. Which is the room that is off to the side of my bedroom in the loft.

Everything is set up perfectly in the room, or at least I think so. But just to be sure I think that I will invite Lena and Alex over for some help. I want everything to be perfect, and I mean perfection at its finest.

I have the whole week off from being Supergirl while the DEO covers for me. Just until things are good and Rosalind settles into her new home.

I was pulling some leftover Chinese food out of the fridge when I heard a knock at the door. Who could that be, I thought to myself. I'm not expecting anybody. I haven't called Lena or Alex yet.

I veered through the door to see and it was Lena. A smile instantly emerged on my face. She had a large pizza and a white bag with 'Lena' scribbled on the side in black lettering as well as 2 coffee cups in a holder. I opened the door to the smiling woman with food. "Lena, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting you. Funny thing is, I was about to call you to come over. Come in!"

"Well, I figured that you would be hungry and I just wanted to surprise you. Glad it worked," Lena said as she set the food down on the island in the kitchen. I got two plates down and then looked at the ensemble of food that she had brought with her.

"So, what are we looking at here?" I asked rhetorically as I grabbed the white paper bag and peeked inside.

"Mine!" Lena snatched the bag and pointed to the pizza, "That is for you, the whole thing, you don't get my chicken and kale!"

"Eh, kale," I scrunched up my face in disgust then grabbed three slices of pizza out of the box and joined Lena sitting on the barstool beside her.

"How are you going to have a kid and not teach them how to eat healthily?"

"Um, excuse me, I eat plenty healthy," I responded to her question as I shoved the pizza into my mouth. "And besides, that's what I have you for." I took my free hand and placed it on her arm and smiled, gaining one back in return.

We shared a moment just looking at each other when Lena finally broke the silence. "So, when is she going to be here? I want to meet her as soon as possible. I have a feeling that she is going to love me!"

"Sure the lady who makes her eat leaves. Yeah, I think that will be great," I joked with a laugh. I hadn't realized how long we had been sitting there talking and eating and almost an hour had passed and the whole pizza was gone. "Oh, crap, she is going to be here in like 2 1/2 hours. I need to clean this place up!"

I took the empty pizza box and Lena's almost empty container of chicken and kale and yeeted them into the trashcan. She looked at me like I was insane and I quickly realized why. I glanced at the apartment that was spotless. I didn't go to bed until like 3 this morning because I was cleaning up. I looked back at Lena and she was now giving me a look of pure concern. All I could do was rub the back of my neck and give her a weak smile as an apology.

"Kara, dear, I think that the place is as clean as it can get. Don't ya think?" she moved her arm around in a semi-circle gesturing to the very clean living room and dining room.

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