The Maze

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I start jogging slowly through this dark maze, keeping up a good pace without tiring myself. I start to explore the walls of this maze and discover where to go and how to get there. I find an answer and because of the excitement I start sprinting through the maze, without even thinking twice about which path I choose. I sprint as fast as I can because I know I am getting closer and I am pretty confident but then I had to press breaks and just stop for a second to realize that it's a dead end. I'm very tired at this point but I'm eager im eager to find a way out so I start exploring again and again and I keep bumping into dead ends. The excitement is gone my eagerness is gone at this point I just want to leave this place, get the hell out of here as fast as I can. I find a path and I start following it, learning from my past mistakes I go slowly through the path so I don't tire myself. I keep jogging and jogging eventually pausing and walking. it's just very dark in here and the darkness just gets me confused and makes me feel lost. I found my way through the path but this time instead of finding a dead end I find two exits, both seem perfect. I study one of the exits carefully and ignore the other one. I rush through my decision and choose to go through the one I'm familiar with the one I thoroughly studied. I walk past it and I realize I have made the same mistake and rushed through it because of my excitement and now I'm trapped in another maze except this time it's more complicated and darker.

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