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Something was missing, but they were oblivious.

Naivety is everyone's downfall eventually, in some shape or form.

The three naive boys were all lined up on the wooden bench, the sun glowing orange in the horizon. They watched their home, intact and beautiful. There was a warm, faintly salty breeze that was pleasant on the three friends' skin; people laughed incoherent chants from below, walking along paths and who knows what else. That was the thing about L'Manburg- nobody ever entirely knew what was going on, but it usually ended up being fun in the end. They were careless, and everyone loved it.

"No, no, no, Tommy, you can't braid!" The brunette one giggled as the younger tugged little strands of hair into knots. The golden-haired boy laughed and rested his head on the smaller one's shoulder, still holding the hair as he caught his breath. His ribs ached in a good way- the type of pain during a good laugh that he strangely enjoyed.

"Yes, yes I can, TommyInnit can do anything, including- uh- twisting hair!" he said proudly. "Besides, Techno taught me while I was hiding out with him. Said it would help me get women, not that I need help." Farthest from him, the Enderman hybrid looked over, and the blonde smacked a hand over his diverse eyes. "Don't look at it, it's not finished!"

"Ow!" they chorused as Tubbo's hair was tugged and Ranboo's face was slapped. "Mine is pitifully better than yours, and I learned how to braid five minutes ago." The half-Enderman remarked, adding little allium petals off the ground into the braid. The youngest rolled his bright blue eyes. 

"And..." Tommy tied it off with a piece of grass. "Done! You're not allowed to look at it, just know that mine is better." The other two scoffed, knowing full well that it was far from better.

"Thanks, big men," said Tubbo, feeling the braids on both sides of his head. He laughed and looked over at Ranboo, who was gazing at him with a strange, soft look in his gentle eyes. It were as though he were looking at him with such profound love, that Tommy couldn't help but snort. The brunette turned his head and cocked a brow at him.

"What are you looking at him like that for?! Tubbo, I don't think it was necessary for you to marry into a clingy family line, especially with you being clingy yourself," he chortled. Tubbo scoffed and bumped him on the head teasingly. The brunette then yawned loudly, realizing his body was begging for him to sleep. After about five minutes of comfortable silence, Tubbo was asleep on the Enderman's shoulder. Tommy leaned forward and looked over at him, passed out on Ranboo, and he smiled warmly.

When people are asleep, it's almost as if their soul has left them. They look so peaceful, all their walls are down and it seems like all the conflict in the world is gone. Tommy wasn't trying to be clingy, so he leaned back against the bench and pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket, opening it carefully and taking a bite. His brows furrowed in thought. He felt Ranboo's eyes on him.

"Something wrong?"

"Nope, just thinking." Tommy said through his bite, putting the chocolate back in his pocket. "I know it's kind of been a running joke, but I do think you're a good guy, Ranboo. And I want you to promise me, that if something happens to me, that you'll be around. And take care of him for me." He paused and looked at Ranboo. "Alright?"

"Uh... okay? Why tell me that now?" Ranboo asked, puzzled.

"Everything feels very off. Something is gonna happen, something bad. I can feel it, but, knowing there's nothing I can do to stop it just makes me want to live life to the fullest. Ya know?" Tommy said, as if the deep comment was as casual as ever. "It's like-" he swallowed his chocolate- "knowing there is something bad coming is making me appreciate life so much more. I'm only sixteen, and I have so much more to give to this world. Life is so sh-tty and so poggers at the same time." Ranboo's eyes widened as he realized how true what the blonde had said really was. Tommy yawned off the sensitive aura. "Goodnight, Ranboo." And he leaned on Tubbo's shoulder and fell asleep.

"G-goodnight, Tommy."

So yes-

As I said, naviety is everyone's downfall eventually.

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