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Tommy stormed into his dirt house, slamming the door behind him. He sat down on a chest and rested his head in his hand, bouncing his leg. His temper had risen faster than it ever had before (it had been getting worse recently). It all started with Eret and Tubbo walking with him along the Prime Path. It was supposed to be just Eret, but lately, for some reason, Tubbo wanted to go everywhere with Tommy. Ranboo had almost come, but he said he had 'things to tend to'. But, even though Tubbo was always with him, Tommy felt so distant from his best friend. Like they were talking at each other, not to each other. They just didn't click as well as they had a week ago. It was probably just the aftermath of the revival... yeah, that's why.

Eret was asking Tommy about what he wanted to do now that he was alive and could appreciate life more. Tommy had explained to them his plan about fighting Jack Manifold, in order to take back his hotel. He said that death wasn't a reason to steal rightfully owned property. Eret had asked if fighting was something he was mentally and physically prepared for, and Tommy had nodded. Then, Tubbo told him he shouldn't be doing that, and then he and Eret basically ganged up on Tommy, telling him what he could and couldn't do.

He felt like a toddler. They were treating him as if they had more power than he did- for god's sakes, he's TommyInnit! The biggest man, the only person to ever take back a nation from the most manipulative human being there ever was. Tommy had just turned around and walked off.

He didn't get it- what had changed while he was gone? He was still the same old Tommy, with a swearing problem and couldn't seem to collect his own resources, preferring stealing. So what was so different about him now? 

He heard his door open and shut.

"No visitors, shoo," Tommy said grumpily. He heard footsteps. "I said shoo!" he said, jumping up angrily. And from around the corner, was Quackity. Tommy gasped and grinned from ear to ear. "Big Q!" he shouted, wrapping Quackity in a hug. He looked different- he wore a white, halfway unbuttoned collared shirt, black jeans, and a maroon beanie with his overgrown hair peeking from underneath. His scar from his fight with Techno ran from his forehead to his chin, and was more visible than usual. Tommy felt his face fall at the sight of him- something wasn't right. He wasn't smiling like Tommy was, he was lacking the happy twinkle in his eye. No, Quackity's face was contorted with something Tommy couldn't quite put his finger on, but something he had seen in someone else's face before. Perhaps a perished president, or a scheming killer, or a desperate man with an unfinished symphony.

Whatever it was, and whoever he had seen it on before, it wasn't good.

"Tommyyy!" he said, smiling unusually wide and chuckling. "What's good, big man? Heard you weren't doing so hot about a week ago," he said, spinning his ring between his fingers. He was laughing at his own comment like a madman. Tommy fake-laughed, a little puzzled.

"Uh, yeah, I guess not-"

"So, I'm assuming you were with Dream around that time?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"And he brought you back with something known as the Revive Book?"

"Y-yes, but, Big Q-"

"Mind telling me about that?"

"If you would shut the f-ck up and let me talk, maybe I would!" Tommy said angrily. "You alright, Big Q? You seem off," he said, a little disgusted. Quackity stopped laughing, but seemed unbothered by Tommy's comment as he stood and smirked at him.

"What would be wrong, Tommy?" He asked, talking slowly and his voice abnormally low. Something about the way he said it sent chills down Tommy's spine. He gulped.

"Uh, nothing." He turned around and sat back down on the chest. "The Revive Book, well, there's nothing much I can say about it. I mean, you die, he can bring you back. That's all I know." Tommy lied. Quackity cocked his head, tutted, and circled Tommy like a cat.

"Tommy, we're buds, right?" He started laughing again. "Pals! We have been since the start of it all!" Tommy tried to stay facing Quackity in order to not feel as powerless as he felt in that moment, but it were as if he were simply nothing compared to him. Quackity put his hands on his knees and leaned closer to him. "So why are you lying to me, Tommy?" He murmured. Tommy grit his teeth and held back the urge to scream and run away out of panic. Why was he suddenly so intimidating?

"I'm not lying, Big Q." He lied, his jaw clenched.

"Hmm." Quackity backed up and tapped his foot. "I don't feel that feeling of trust between us, Tommy. Not sure why." He put a finger on his lips and shrugged.

"Well, maybe it's because you're acting like- like-" Tommy stammered, palms sweaty. "so manipulative. Like- a villain, or something." Suddenly, Quackity let out a loud laugh and Tommy jumped.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy..." he drawled. "Everyone is a villain in some story, it just depends on whose you read. Besides, personally, I've always seemed to find the villain to be the most compelling character," he said, smirking.

"But, no, Big Q, why are you owning it?!" Tommy said desperately. He hated this feeling of betrayal, his friend turning cruel and twisted for no apparent reason. He couldn't seem to get rid of this knot in his throat. "Villains are- they're- they're bad, Big Q, really, really bad. Have you learned nothing from your experiences with Wilbur, Schlatt, Dream, Techno?!" Quackity flinched and his face flickered, but only for a second.

"Tommy..." Now, his voice was more angry rather than sarcastic joy. Tommy could feel his blood boiling and his heart pounding. "What you and Tubbo and the others would be known as, heroes- heroes are just people who refuse to accept the real world."

"Then why are you so influential?! Why can't you work alone, why do you have to manipulate others?!" Tommy said, sounding panicky now. "I'd rather be oblivious than a villain."

"Because honest people can be terribly dense, Tommy."

"Will you stop saying my name like that?!" Tommy shouted, tears of anger threatening to spill over the rims of his eyes.

"This is good, this is good!" Quackity said, still circling him.

"What?! What is?!"

"You're showing emotion!" He said, giving a single applaud as if he were pleased. "Now tell me, Tommy, what's it been like with you and Tubbo recently?" Tommy gulped, not wanting to answer. But something about Quackity was so utterly terrifying, so menacing that he felt like he would regret it if he didn't respond.

"Well, it's been a little distant, I guess-"

"How so?"

"I mean, he's babying me a lot, it's really f-cking annoying at times-"

"Do you feel like you can trust him?"

"Of course, he's my best friend-"

"Can you trust someone who can't trust you to handle yourself? Can you trust someone who won't let you do your own thing? Can you trust a best friend if they can't trust you?" Quackity said, pacing. Tommy paused.

"Well, if it weren't him, I wouldn't-"

"And what makes him any different?" Quackity said, and Tommy knew he was being manipulated. He knew it. But he couldn't do anything about it, not now. It was too late. He had dug a hole and he had no way out.

"Yeah." Tommy muttered. "I guess..."

"Good! Good! And Ranboo?"

"Ranboo's the nicest guy, of course I can-"

"A bipolar Enderman who could start Enderwalking at any given time and kill you and your family?" Quackity smirked, the evil sparkle in his eye especially noticeable. Tommy clenched his jaw and grit his teeth, not making a sound. He was rethinking everything.

"Quackity, I..."

"Now, Tommy, tell me about this revive book, will you?"


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