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Quackity wasn't a villain, and he knew that. But he also knew how to get what he wanted. He just never thought this was how he would do so. He never thought he would be sitting next to none other than Wilbur Soot, up against a tree, Dream and Technoblade plotting how they were going to murder his own friends just a mile or so away. Gathering weapons designed to slice through flesh and blood with ease, preparing to attack. Quackity never thought he would be sitting there, aware that it was happening, and not even try to stop them.

Maybe he had lost his mind. He probably had.

But honestly, how do you destroy a monster without becoming one?

"So, Quackity. How have you been?" Wilbur asked enthusiastically, smiling. Quackity rolled his head on the tree to look at him. The white streak in his hair was significantly noticeable- Quackity was always intrigued by how it had gotten there. "We haven't talked in a while."

"Yeah. I've been good," he said bluntly. He tried not to overshare, as he and Wilbur still weren't what he would call on trusting terms. Wilbur cocked a brow.

"Are you sure?" He asked. He knew something.

"...Yeah? Why?" he asked, confused.

"Well, I just heard some things about Sapnap, and Karl-"

"Who the f-ck told you that, Wilbur Soot?!" Quackity yelled, suddenly fuming. Wilbur backed up a little, startled by his sudden outburst.

"Uh- I'm sorry, I don't remember..." He said, fear in his big brown eyes. Big Q knew that this wasn't true. But Wilbur was probably just trying to protect whoever had told him, and Quackity was suddenly content with that, for some reason. He looked up at the stars, sighing sadly and closing his eyes. There was silence, no sound except for the rustling of tree leaves and waves crashing in the distance.

"Do you miss him?" Wilbur muttered.


"Karl. Do you miss him?" He asked softly. Quackity gulped and adjusted his beanie uncomfortably.

"...To be honest, I do. With everything in me. But I'll swallow poison before I admit it to anyone else," he said, feeling truly numb. "It's just- it's easier to act like none of it matters than it is to confess. To admit that I'm feeling this way over losing someone who was never even mine."

"What does it feel like... knowing that he let you go without a fight?" Wilbur asked slowly. Little did Quackity know, Wil knew full well what it was like to go through that.

"Like maybe the bastard never cared about me after all."


Tommy and Tubbo were walking back to Ranboo's house, the snow turning into slush as rain fell from the dark skies. It started out light, but was blatantly obvious that it would only get worse as pitch black clouds hurtled towards them. It was late- around midnight, and Tubbo was exhausted. At the sight of him yawning wearily, Tommy asked if he wanted to get on his back and have a rest, but he denied his offer. The blonde looked up from the ground and, crystal blue eyes meeting their Snowchester house- he saw Ranboo, sitting on the porch, out in the rain. As soon as he noticed them and jumped up from the step, running towards the two boys. As he got closer, Tommy could see how anxious he looked.

"Ranboo, what the f-ck are you doing out-" But Tommy was cut off by a big hug from the tall Enderman. 

He felt... well, Tommy would never let himself admit how happy he was in the moment, so let's just say he was- caught off guard. 

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