Chapter 14

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Hey everyone! I'm back! :D I finally got some time worked into my crazy schedule, so here's chapter 14 for you!

This chapter's gonna end on a cliffhanger for a reason - I would love to get more votes! So here's a challenge for you - if I can get 5 or more votes within 3 days, I'll post the next chapter immediately. Get your friends to vote, everyone!

To my fans:










Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for supporting me! It means the whole world to me! :)

Okay, I've chatted enough. Here's Chapter 14, everyone! Keep reading/commenting/voting! :)

Chapter 14
    Sitting in the hospital ward had to be one of the worst things to do in Ariel’s opinion. And that was saying something.
    The entire Apollo cabin was there, tending to their half-siblings. Katie, Annabeth, Percy, and Chiron were also there, worry etched in their faces.
    “Your wolf saved all of us.” Chiron said to Ariel, breaking the silence. Will and Kayla barely showed any signs of life, their entire bodies bandaged up.
    Lykos rolled in Ariel’s arms, sleeping peacefully. Ariel stared at him – how could he possibly sleep after attacking two Manticores? She was still hyperventilating  - thisclose to being kidnapped, Will and Kayla being attacked...
    “Chiron, how did the Manticores get in?” Annabeth’s eyes were getting darker and stormier. “And two of them! Manticores are supposed to be rare!”
    “We met two Manticores while bringing Ariel here.” Kati’s voice was low as she sat next to Will’s bedside, not moving. Her green eyes were full of worry as she gazed at Will.
    “The first time I was here, a hellhound tried to attack me.” Percy frowned. “I’d hat to say it, but do you think we might have a spy?”
    Annabeth’s face grew cold. Percy looked uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat.
    “Or it might be Manticores in general that want Ariel.” Austin pointed out, who was at the doorway carrying a pile of blankets.
    That grim idea settled down on everyone.
    “Then…i should leave.” Ariel whispered slowly.
    Everyone turned towards the small red-haired girl.
    “That wasn’t meant to be a suggestion.” Austin muttered.
    “Ariel, you’d be in more danger out there than in here.” Percy pointed out.
    “I’m not worried about myself.” Ariel looked down at her feet. “You guys are amazing, and…and I repay you w-with this…”
    Katie almost smiled. “We’ve been through a lot worse, Ariel. A month ago, thos would’ve been nothing. Besides, demigods heal fast.”
    “But – ”
    Mr. D walked in wearing a bright orange running suit. Austin was trying to choke back a laugh as Ariel looked away – the brightness of it hurt her eyes.
    Annabeth cringed. Percy coughed.
    “What is it, Dionysus?” Chiron said formally.
    “Meeting in Olympus.” Mr. D yawned.  “Right now, actually.”
    “What? When was this scheduled?” Chiron asked, shocked.
    “5 seconds ago.” Mr. D snapped his fingers and disappeared, a strong smell of wine filling the air.
    Chiron sighed. “I'm very sorry about this, but I have to go now. Percy, Annabeth, lead the camp for the night. And…Capture the Flag will be cancelled.”
    “WHAT?” Everyone in the room explained.
    “But you never cancel Capture the Flag!” Annabeth protested. “Not even during the jello incident– ”
    Austin coughed. “The jello incident?”
    “Uh…did I say that?” Annabeth feigned looking surprised. “I meant the ‘joker’ incident.”
    “I wanna hear about this!” Austin said as he placed blankets over Kayla’s still body.
    Chiron cleared his throat. “These are trying situations. I don’t want to add unnecessary risks.” He took a small blue card from his belt. “Take care of yourselves.”
    The Centaur disappeared, as if he had dissolved in the air. Ariel blinked, staring at the place where Chiron was.
    Austin sniffed the air. “Smells like horses.”
    “Every creature has its own particular smell, Austin.” Katie groaned.
    “I can’t believe there’s no Capture the Flag.” Percy muttered. “This situation can’t be that bad!”
    Ariel looked out the window, focusing on the golden fleece in the distance.
    “Don’t blame yourself, Ariel.” Katie said, reading Ariel’s thoughts. “You’re not the reason for this.”
    “Yes, I am.” Ariel countered. “The Manticores came for mer. The Hunters are trapped because of me. Will and Kayla are hurt because of me!” Ariel’s voice had escalated, but broke down as swiftly as it had risen. “I…I shouldn’t be alive…”
    “Ariel Sagitta, don’t you dare listen to Drew. She’s trying to influence you because she hates you. Drew hates people that get more attention than she does…” Katie’s voice grew low.
    “Besides, you’re a pretty cool person. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Austin suggested. “And you’re stalling Annabeth; What’s this ‘jello incident’ you speak of?”
    “Jello incident?”
    Katie gasped as Will blinked awake. His eyes were slightly unfocused, but otherwise he looked almost normal. Besides the fact he was a living mummy, of course.
    “WILL! You’re ok!” Katie nearly screamed. “You idiot! Why did you take that blow?”
    Will coughed. “I just got poisoned, and all I hear is someone calling me an idiot…and why are you guys talking about the jello incident?’
    Katie and Annabeth paled. Austin started grinning like a mad fool.
    “AHA! So there is a jello incident.” Austin looked at Annabeht expectedly. “What is it?”
    “Seriously,” Katie started, “Ariel’s safety is at risk and all you care about is – Ariel! Where is she?”
    Everyone turned towards Kayla’s bedside, where Ariel…was?
    “Looks like she needed a break.” Percy pointed his thumb to the ajar door.

    Are they insane?
    Ariel paced the length of her cabin, thinking hard. Lykos was enjoying the luxuries a bed contained, and was happily rolling around in the covers.
    How can they pretend that nothing’s wrong? Everything is going wrong, and it’s all my fault.
    It’s all my fault.
    Ariel slumped onto the ground, holding her skinny knees onto her chest. A tear fell from her eye and splashed onto her hand, hitting it in a geometric pattern.
    WHY am I crying? Ariel kicked herself on the shin, hating everything. Including herself. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry…
    Wouldn’t cry…
    My lady. Suddenly awake, Lykos jumped from the bed and faced Ariel. It does no good to keep sadness in your heart.
    Ariel faced away from the silver pup. “D-don't tell me what to do.”
    Merely a suggestion, my lady. Lykos bowed low, then leaped onto the bed and snuggled up in the light, silver blankets.
    But what should I do? Ariel looked up at the faux night sky in her room. The blinking stars and gleaming moon soothed her, a stream of calmness flowing through her body.
    Her thoughts became crystal clear as she gazed at the silver moon. 2 things were absolutely clear:
1.    Bad events were happening because of her.
2.    She had to leave.
    Ariel looked around the welcoming cabin, her heart throbbing. The silver carpet, bed and blankets. The pictures of animals. The faux night sky. Lykos. It was safer here…for her. But more dangerous for everyone else.
    Her hand clasped around her locket. All her life, the locket had been her most prized possession, the one thing that had grounded her to life.
    Artemis was never there for me.
    Ariel slipped off the locket and placed it gingerly on her bed. The locket opened up, revealing the photo of the smiling family. It seemed so far away, that family in the photo. Where had it gone?
    Ariel gazed at her mom and dad, her throat choking up. 12 years ago, they had loved her. They must’ve. What could’ve possibly changed? Why did they abandon her?
    “Lykos.” she whispered.
    The wolf pup lifted his head up instantly, his blue eyes boring into her.
    “D-destroy this.” Ariel held up the locket by its golden chain.
    My lady! The wolf pup widened his eyes.
    “I don’t want it.” Ariel tossed the locket to him. “I don’t want anything that has to do with my parents. I’m going to live a new life.”
    Lykos scooped the locket into his mouth. Are you sure?
    “Yes, Lykos.” Ariel paused. “T-thank you.”
    As you wish, my lady. His tone sounded melancholic as he left the cabin, the locket dangling from his mouth.
    Ariel’s bow appeared in her hand. Even though it was a gift from Artemis….she didn’t want to get rid of it. She couldn’t, if monsters were going to pursue her. And besides, he bow was beautiful – elegant patterns carved into the silver bow, white string entwined to create the strongest, thinnest draw string.
    She looked around the cabin again, sighing. There was nothing else to pack, no belongings to bring.
    Not even Lykos.
    During the night. Ariel decided. Everyone here is smart, though. They’re bound to have guards. But I think I can make it.
    Katie was at the doorway, concerned. It looked as if she had been there for a few minutes. Ariel turned away, not wanting company.
    “You’ve been in there for a while.” Katie entered the cabin, taking careful steps. “And I’d hate to say it, but…we have to leave for the quest tomorrow.”
    The quest.
    Ariel paled. No, she couldn’t possibly ask Katie to go with her. She was smart, beautiful, generous…and vulnerable around Ariel.
    “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll be fine.” Katie reassured her, misreading her emotions. “Dinner’s in 15 minutes. It’s gonna be pizza tonight – I wouldn’t miss it.”
    Ariel turned away, not wanting to face Katie. She heard footsteps softly treading the ground, decreasing in sound.
    The Hunters. Her quest.
    ‘I have to do it, don’t I?” She asked the empty cabin.
    Yes, my lady.
    “Lykos!” Ariel toppled onto the wall, causing some pictures to fall and shatter.
    Sorry. The wolf pup leaped onto the bed again. My lady, you can’t walk away from a quest.
    “I wasn’t planning on that.” Ariel snapped.
    Just a friendly suggestion. He circled around a few times, his steps sinking into the mattress. A few circles around, and he flopped onto the bed, snoring.
    How can you possibly sleep at a time like this? Ariel protested, but Lykos was fast asleep, rising occasionally as he took slow breaths.
    She had to do it. How could she not? But there was no way she could succeed – with no training whatsoever?
    Ariel gripped her bow, almost hard enough to snap it like a twig.
    I’m gonna save them…or die trying.
    She stepped outside, ready for dinner. The wonderful scent of pizza wafted by her. Ariel inhaled the wonderful smell, her stomach grumbling.
    Nobody can find out what I’m up to. Ariel wiped her face mentally, leaving and emotionless mask. A smile wouldn’t hurt. Her cheek muscles hurt with the effort of expression happiness.
    A cacophony of noises were erupting form the Mess Hall. Ariel took a deep breath and walked with a soft of swing in her step, exerting a confidence that didn’t exist.

    The Mess Hall was in an uproar. Ares’ cabin were throwing forks and spoons around, outraged. Athena’s cabin started protesting, their voices rising. The Hermes’ and Demeters’ cabins started fighting against each other randomly, slightshots and arrows fighting. The rest of the room started throwing food everywhere, pizza sauce splattering everywhere. Well, save the Aphrodite kids, who were cowering underneath the tables. Some of the girls were even reapplying make-up.
    It was obvious why everything was so chaotic. Percy and Annabeth were standing up in the front, looking grim. They must’ve delivered the bad new.
    “Stop!” Annabeth shouted over the crowd. A slice of pizza flew through the air and smacked her in the face.
    “STOP!” Annabeth shrieked, he voice roaring over the crowd. The majority of demigods immediately stopped, but Ares’ demigods kept throwing foks.
    Vines shot out of the ground and tied the Ares’ demigods to the ground, who were roaring curses. Ariel, astonished, watched Demeter’s demigods in awe. Katie was staring at the vines, her face set in concentration.
    “Why is there no Capture the Flag?” A boy from Hecate’s cabin called out.
    “Chiron isn’t here, first of all. Secondly, we’ve had some bad incidents we wish to avoid.” Annabeth explained. Percy handed her a pile of napkins for her to wipe her face with.
    Ariel stared at her goblet, turning it around her hands over and over.
    “Wish to avoid? Nobody talks like that, wimp.” An Ares’ kid snarled.
    “Shut your mouth up– ” Percy threatened.
    “Don’t make him any angrier, this is harder than it looks!” Katie moaned as she continued staring at the vines. Her siblings joined in, causing all sorts of vines to appear.
    “Yeah yeah, we get it fish head. No Capture the Flag for security reasons, pfft.” Clarisse struggled with her vines, tearing a few of them into shreds. “Now, can you let us out?”
    Annabeth sighed. “Katie, let them go.”
    Katie blinked slowly. The vines shrunk into the ground, releasing their captors.
    “We will run this camp as normal.” Percy continued, keeping his expressions calm. “Anyone who objects will spend the day washing dishes.”
    Many demigods started muttering among themselves, confused.
    “Life was better before the Battle of Manhatten.” Mark muttered, rubbing his wrists.
    “No rules, a lot more fun.” Another Ares’ girl joked. Ariel didn’t see how it was funny, but all of the Ares’ demigods started bawling, pounding the table.
    Annabeth walked back to her table, her blond-haired gray-eyed siblings patting her on the back. Percy went back to his empty table, looking worse than before.
    “Hey, Ariel.”   
    Ariel flinched as Rachel sat down next to her, dressed in a paint-splattered t-shirt and jean capris. She had managed to tame her hair into a pony-tail.
    “Sorry about that.” She smiled at Ariel. “Looks like I missed something big.” She caught Ariel’s confused glance. “I don’t always dress up, you know.”
    Ariel turned away from Rachel’s eyes. It was almost as if the Oracle was peering into her soul, but the worst thing was that it was probably true.
    Sensing Ariel’s mood, Rachel changed the subject. “Just visited Kayla and Will in the hospital ward. Kayla was sleeping, but Will was reading People magazine. He’s fine.”
    Rachel knew about the Manticore attack? Bad, bad, bad. But how?
    “Percy told you?” Ariel whispered.
    “No, I saw it coming…” Rachel trailed off, lost in thought.
    Oh no.
    Could Rachel see Ariel leaving camp?
    “I see.” Ariel replied, trying to keep her voice calm. Why did Rachel have to come back? This practically killed off any chance Ariel had of sneaking away. Her thoughts boiled down to a choice; sit here and wait, to avoid detection, or leave now?
    “Excuse me.” Ariel got up and pushed her chair back, eager to leave the table. Rachel didn’t react – she stared at the cup as if it contained the world’s secrets.
    Everyone else was distracted, laughing and enjoying themselves. I’ll never fit in. I don’t belong here.
    I don’t belong here.
    Ariel walked out of the mess hall briskly, avoid eye contact. The moment she stepped onto the cool grass, Ariel tore across the camp, not looking back.

* * *

Thank you for reading! :)

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