Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, everyone! Keep reading/voting/commenting! Thanks!

    Ariel was shocked. Even though Chiron had explained it to her numerous times, she could barely wrap her mind around it. She was a demigod? Part mortal, part Greek god?

    She understood the whole Camp Half-Blood thing though. It basically was a place for her to train and learn how to defend herself. No more nights of her living in the alleys, in other words. She liked that.

    "Who…who do you think is my godly parent?" Ariel asked timidly. Chiron was friendly enough, but seeing a centaur was pretty scary.

    "As to that, I cannot guess." Chiron filled her plate with more food, which she was obviously craving. "Do you remember either of your parents?"

    Ariel shook her head. Her long auburn hair swung to-and-fro.

    "Don't worry, young child. I'm sure you'll be claimed tonight." Chiron started walking away. Ariel didn't bother asking what claimed meant.

    "You seem stronger now. Would you like a tour of the camp?"

    Ariel nodded vigorously.

    "Very well then. I'll get Annabeth over here."

    "Do you know any Greek Mythology whatsoever?" Annabeth asked as she lead Ariel around the cabins.

    "What's that?"

    "Stories about the Greek gods and heroes. I'm guessing you don't know any of them."

    Ariel shook her head.

    "Well, you'll learn soon enough. I'm the daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom." She pointed to cabin 6, which was easily recognizable by the owl. "I'm…I'm not sure who your parent would be, although I'd like it if you were a child of Athena."

    "I'm not wise though."

    "Do you….have any special traits?" Annabeth asked gently.

    Ariel shook her head. "I dunno. I can run, I guess." She looked kinda cute - small, red-haired, blue eyed. Annabeth liked her - she was shy but rebellious.

    "You might be in Hermes, then. Well, all of the gods are pretty god. Besides Hera."

    "Who's Hera?"

    "Zeus' wife. Her cabin is cabin 2." Annabeth pointed to the one at the end. "I don't have a good history with her."

    "Hey! What's up?"

    Katie made her way to the pair. "How are you, Ariel?"

    "Okay," Ariel stared at the flowers woven in Katie's hair. "Who's daughter are you?"

    "Demeter's. Goddess of agriculture." Katie picked a flower from her hair. "I can grow anything. All of Demeter's children can. We all have special talents. What's yours?"

    Ariel stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

    "She'll know soon." Annabeth saved her new friend.

    Another person joined their party. A frizzy red-haired girl with a sort of uniform was walking towards them. "Hi Ariel. People were talking about a new addition, so I came over to see for myself. I'm Rachel, the Oracle."

    Ariel blinked.

    "She can see the future." Annabeth supplied "And make prophecies."

    "Woah!" Ariel backed away from Rachel.

    She smiled. "Don't worry. I'm usually normal. But you'll see me abnormal soon.

    Ariel shuddered. Was anything normal around here?

    "She'll be claimed tonight." Rachel said matter-of-factly. "I'm sure of it."

    "That's good. The last thing Hermes' cabin needs is another unknown occupant." Annabeth stated. "I'll show you around the stations. Maybe we;ll find something you're good at."

    Going through stations was an experience.

    First there was sword fighting. After 5 minutes of that, it was clear Ariel couldn't use a sword. She kept letting go of it or hurting someone that wasn't part of the duel.

    Pegasus riding wasn't much better. Ariel wasn't bad at it - she didn't fall off - but he wasn't exceptionally good at it either.

    They tried javelin. Bad mistake.

    Running wasn't so good either - Ariel's body wasn't strong enough. She seemed to only do well when there was a dire need of it.

    Climbing, forging weapons, planting strawberries…nothing worked. Ariel was feeling discouraged, but Annabeth was supportive.

    "You're definitely a demigod - you wouldn't have been able to get in her if you were mortal. We just need to keep trying."

    They went to archery next.

    Annabeth wasn't the best archer, but she knew enough to help Ariel out. Ariel, for the first time since entering Camp Half-Blood, felt confident.

    I can do this.

    She aimed for her target, took a deep breath, and released the string.



    Annabeth stared at the target. Ariel's jaw was open, her mind not comprehending.

    "I think you've found a new talent." Annabeth gestured to the arrow in the center of the target.

    * * *

Ariel Sagitta - a Percy Jackson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now