Happiest of birthdays

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I smiled with my eyes still shut and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I snuggled closer into my blanket and was almost back asleep when I heard my bedroom window slide open from across the room and a light 'thunk' of sandals lightly hitting the wood floor. I pulled the blanket over my head, in hopes that if it wasn't who I suspected it was and was indeed an intruder, my blanket would protect me from any and all attacks.

I didn't hear anymore movements and soon was drifting back to sleep. Sooner or later I had eventually fallen back asleep until a dip in the bed behind me and the blanket lifting up and off from over my head woke me up. I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and pulled me back into a hard front.

I grunted softly before turning around in the arms around me. I was instantly greeted by the smell of vanilla mixed with the comforting smell of books. I slid my arms around the torso of the person I was snuggled up against and pulled myself even closer if possible, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck.

"Good morning Chiko, and happy birthday." A familiar voice resonated against me. I smiled against his neck and inhaled his comforting scent deeply once more.

"It is now that you're here." I said, gripping onto the fabric of his loose fitting long sleeve that hung loosely off his back.

I felt his hands move from pressing against my back to gripping tightly onto my sides. Sparks shot from where his fingers dug into my skin harshly, causing my breath to catch in my throat and my heart start pumping a little more vigorously with each breath that I struggled to take.

His right hand loosened so he could run his fingers along the waistband of my pajama shorts, dipping down just far enough to tease me with the expectation only to retreat before I could beg him to continue. My fingers tightened around the fabric i was clutching onto as the sparks traveled with his finger up and under my tank top I slept in.

"Kakashi, I-" Before I could even begin, Kakashis right leg shot between both of mine, hooking his leg under my knee and moving his hands so they were gripping right under my armpits, one hand still under my shirt, the other on top on it. In an instant, I was flipped onto my back and Kakashi held me down on the bed, his right hand sliding out from under my shirt so he could detach my hands from his back.

Once my hands were free from their grip on his shirt, Kakashi moved my arms so my hands were above my head on the bed. I looked up at Kakashis face as he gently and slowly slid his hands up my arms until his hands could slide themselves into my smaller hands, his fingers filling the gaps between mine and vice versa.

He leaned down, his face growing closer and closer to mine. Kakashis eye flicked to my lips before coming back up to meet my gaze, his eyes filled with admiration, lust, desire, and want for what, or rather who, was laid out underneath him.

Soon his masked lips brushed against my left earlobe and sent a shiver down my spine that shook my entire body involuntarily.

"You don't wear a bra to bed?" His question resonated through my skull like a church bell that was set off while I was in the belfry.

I was at a loss for words for such an unexpected question and only could open my mouth like a fish out of water trying to respond. His left hand left my right hand, moving to his face. I heard the rustle of fabric and heard him clearly let out a sigh of a breath, his breath warm against my already burning skin as he pressed his hand into the mattress beside my head to support himself.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just...surprised." Kakashi said smoothly, pressing his lips against my earlobe and lowering his voice as he exentuated the last word, to my delight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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