Chapter 6

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After the younger left, Yoongi Namjoon and Hoseok came back to their seat ...
Jimin and Jin started to ask them 'you all know him?' how do you know him' 'what relationship you all have' 'why didn't you tell us ' and alot more questions....
Then they started to answer ...

"Yeah we know him ...and we are very close to each other ..I am his cousin brother and Yoongi is my best friend so he is also like a brother to him ...Hoseok helps him in his dance academy along with Yugyeom ..." Namjoon explained ...

"Woah all were so close and we didn't even know ..." Jin said dramatically ...

"Stop overreacting ...we didn't tell you coz we didn't knew that kookie has  already joined the university ...his father just told us that he will be studying here but didn't tell us the joining time ..."
Yoongi said ...

" Even you all know that snob ....this is unbelievable ...I guess you know his truth then ...plz explain that to these two ...because they won't stop talking and appreciating that rich ass " Taehyung said to Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok while pointing at jimin and Jin

"Wait ...what do you mean truth?and how dare you call him snob and rich ass ?? " Yoongi asked angrily ...

"Don't act like you didn't understand ...just tell us his reality ...and what should I call a snobbish rich kid, if not a snob or a rich ass ? We all know that he is a brat who is living off his parents ...who gets everything in mere seconds and who doesn't have to do anything in his own life ...he has all the facilities he wants in his life without even asking ...he bunks classes but teachers don't say anything to him. ...people like him play with other's feelings..why ?? Because they are rich ...he uses is power of his richness all over the school and you are telling me to stop calling him a fucking rich ass?? Are you kidding me ?" Taehyung said and laughed but was soon interrupted by Yoongi who punched him hard on his face ....

"How dare you !!! Huh??? HOW DARE YOU ?? You don't know anything about that innocent child .. you think he can get everything he wants think that he is using his parents money to live think he looks down on people who aren't rich like him ??? You don't know him Taehyung. don't understand him at all ...that kid is such an angel ...his father and mother were both very busy in handling the company that they couldn't give enough time for Jungkook ...he was only 8 years when they couldn't take him to the park to play, so I and Namjoon took care of him ...since the age of 15, he started to read business books so that he can help his father with the company work ...
When he was 17, he joined the company as an intern so that he can learn all these things and can handle the company one day ...he didn't even enjoy his teenage life .. he has been working hard every single day of his life to maintain what his father and mother has gained by working day and night ...and when he was 21, he joined the company as a paid worker....his father and the other chairmen of the company told him to just take over the CEO position but he refused saying ' No sir, I am still not capable enough to handle my father's company ...I want to work here first and learn from you all ... when you all think that I am capable, I will take over the company ...'
That child never told anyone that he is the owner of that company ....he works there and gets paid and leads his life with his own hard earned money ...
And as you said that he bunks classes ...well just so you know, he goes to the company to work whenever he is not at school ...and rest of the time he is either with me and Namjoon  because he is fond of music and composes and sings songs with us in our music studio or he is at his dance studio with Yugyeom and Hoseok teaching different kinds of dances to the kids who can't afford to pay high prices for going in the dance academy...
And also for your information, that kid has opened that dance studio with his own money that he earned by working at his own company ...
Next year during this time, me, Namjoon and kookie were even thinking of releasing our own album ...
He is not only good at singing, dancing and sports but he is also a scholar ...he has skipped a whole year and yet he was given admission in direct 2nd year in this university ...and you might be thinking that this is also because of his 'rich ass' ...then let me tell you, he has given  the entrance exam of 1st year but seeing his talent, he was directly promoted to the 2nd year say he uses his powers ?? He never even tells anyone to cook for him. ...he does everything on his own,even if he is hungry in the midnight, he never wakes up any maids or servants because he knows that they have worked all day and are tired, instead he makes his own food ...he never lets any of his workers call him young master because they are all his elders ...  .he doesn't look down on people who are not of his class and he never hurts people's feelings but since he was a 7 year old child, he is continuously hearing hate comments about himself for being rich and being  a brat but he never told anyone about this except me and Namjoon because he says ' I am proud of my parents and their hardwork. ..I don't care what people say about me because I know that is not the truth ...and I will never let my parents down ' ....
But we know that deep down he is hurting badly because we often hear his sniffles from outside his room ... whenever we ask what happened ..he just puts on a smile and says 'nothing hyung, I just watched a sad movie ' ...

So Mr Kim Taehyung. ..this is the truth of the boy wanted everyone to know about it right ??? Now here it is ...I have told you everything about him ..." Yoongi screamed at Taehyung's face and everyone in the canteen heard him clearly ... and anyone could tell that he was fuming in anger because his face was red and his neck veins had popped out ...

And after listening to all of these things , Taehyung couldn't form a sentence ...his mind stopped from functioning and was only revolving around what the elder just said ...

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