Chapter 24

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"How's my baby doing ?" Jungkook's hyungie asked as he put Jungkook down...

"I am good are you ? Why didn't you come earlier ? You know how much I missed you .." Jungkook said and pouted and his hyungie just chuckled ...

"I know baby and I missed you too so much ...but look, I am here now and we can enjoy like the good old days . ." Hyungie said and ruffled jungkook's hair ...

This whole time, Taehyung was boring holes on the ' hyungie's ' head Yoona thought of breaking his jealous phase ...
She went towards Jungkook and his hyungie. .

"Oh both are still the same ...always being clingy and sticking to each other " Yoona said and smiled when Jungkook nodded eagerly ...

Taehyung couldn't take this anymore so he decided to interrupt ...

"Umm ...who's this "? Taehyung asked and tried his best to hide the annoyance raising in him ...

" Hi ...I am Park Sungho ...and who would you be "? Sungho asked ...

"Hyungie, he is one of my closest friend ... Taehyung ..Kim Taehyung " Jungkook said and smiled at Taehyung who couldn't help but smile that his kookie now thought of him as a very close friend ...

"Nice to meet you Taehyung " Sungho said and extended his hand to Taehyung for a handshake and Taehyung very reluctantly shook his hand and gave a very fake smile ...

" Kookie ...will you show Sungho his room ...I am sure he must be tired from the journey ...Sungho dear, you go and freshen up, we will eat together.. " Yoona said and Jungkook nodded ...

" Of course mom ...come on hyungie " jungkook said and grabbed Sungho's arm...

"Aish this eager baby " Sungho said and let himself being dragged by Jungkook ...

"Oh tae ...did you meet Sungho hyung ...?" Jimin said coming towards Taehyung as if he didn't watch the whole scene. ..

"Yeah ...I did ..." Taehyung said still looking where Jungkook and Sungho went ...

"Isn't he so handsome ...oh god ...he is just like a god and our kookie looks so happy to meet him " Jimin again and said and fake squealed only to earn a scoff from Taehyung ...

"Whatever " Taehyung said and went away from there and they all giggled and squealed like teenagers ...

'who the hell is this Sungho now ? Why God why ? Why must you play with me like that ? Just as I was about to make a move on Jungkook, you had to bring another guy in between ' Taehyung thought to himself and whined mentally ...

After half an hour, Jungkook and Sungho came downstairs while giggling ...

"Where were you ...I thought you just went to show hyung his room ...?" Taehyung asked Jungkook

"Oh ...I was just helping hyungie to unpack his things ..." Jungkook answered and was about to sit on the chair but Sungho suddenly said..

"Woah kookie ...I see you have grown up now huh!! " Sungho said but Jungkook became confused ...

" Hmm !!! What do you mean? " Jungkook asked

"You always used to sit on my lap while eating and that too I had to feed you but now look at you ... sitting on a chair instead of my lap ...aigoo baby grew up " Sungho said and fake cried but soon he chuckled when he felt Jungkook came and sat on his lap ...

" I will never grow up for you...Now feed me " Jungkook said pouted and Sungho smiled at his cuteness ...

"What the fuck !!!" Taehyung muttered under his breath thinking no one heard him but oh how wrong he was because Jimin, who was sitting next to him heard it and smirked ...

While Sungho was busy feeding Jungkook, Taehyung was busy murdering the bacon piece on his plate with the fork ...
And the moment Sungho's hand went to his baby bun's lower lip to wipe out the mayonnaise which he got while eating, Taehyung had enough ...
He abruptly stood up from his chair with a thud and everyone was startled ...

"I am done, I have some work to do ,I will meet you at home ..bye " Taehyung said and in emotionless voice and left from their ...

"What happened to him suddenly?" Sungho asked

"Oh don't worry about him ...he must be tired or something " Yuri said but she knew very well that he was actually very jealous ...
Sungho nodded and tried to feed Jungkook again but Jungkook didn't eat ..

"I am full .." Jungkook said to Sungho  and got up from his lap  ...

He excused himself and went to his room to finish his assignments but he couldn't concentrate one bit ...why ?
Because his mind was already filled with the thoughts of the handsome man who left a few minutes ago ...he couldn't help but feel worried about him ...

'is he okay?why did it seemed like he was angry ? Did I do something ? Why did he suddenly leave ...I didn't even get to talk to him properly ...' Jungkook thought to himself and layed on his bed and sighed loudly ...

"What are you doing to me Kim Taehyung ?" He said to himself while staring at the ceiling and thinking of all the things that happened from the moment he met the elder and smiled ...


Hey my precious people,
It's been a long time. ..

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Also I have a request, can you all plz suggest some taekook fluff ffs ...I really have no idea what to read and I wanted  some fluff books can you plz recommend some ?🥺🥺🥺

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