Chapter 23

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Sorry for not uploading much these few days ...
My exams are coming and school is giving us tons of assignments to do I was kinda busy with all those ...

I am really sorry, I should have informed you all about that...

Thank you for staying so patient and waiting for the next chapters ...I really appreciate that ...
And also thank you for 50 followers ...I am so pleased that you guys are supporting me ...plz keep supporting me if you like my works ...

Happy reading ❤️❤️

The Kim's arrived at the jeon's mansion and were greeted by jungkook's parents ...

" Finally you are here ...what took you so long ...we were waiting for so long " Yoona (mrs.jeon) said to her best friend and huffed

"Oh dear...we would have came on time if not for someone wanting to sleep " yuri said and side glanced Taehyung who smiled sheepishly ..

" Anyways, you know who is coming today ?" Yoona again said excitedly. ..

"Who ?" Yuri asked as if she didn't knew what was Yoona talking about ...

"Park Sungho " Yoona said and winked at Yuri but it went completely unnoticed by Taehyung....

"REALLY!!! it's been so long since I have seen him ...he was always a good child and so responsible ...and kookie will be so happy so him again ...I remember how they both used to cling to each other when they were together " Yuri said ...

"Yeah and you know, we didn't tell him that sungho is coming back ....he will be surprised " Junghyun sai and smiled ...

When they were talking about Sungho, Taehyung was standing there, wondering who the hell was this Sungho guy and why does everyone seems so excited to meet him and why was his kookie so close to that person, but didn't say anything ...
The elders were talking and laughing but Taehyung was only trying to find his koo ...his eyes searched everywhere but he didn't find him he finally asked asked them ...

"Umm ...where is ko..I mean Jungkook ?" Taehyung asked

"He is studying in his room dear can go and meet him if you want " Junghyun said and smiled ...

"No , it's ok ...let him study ...I don't want to disturb him " Taehyung said and they nodded ...

After half an hour of constant gossips between the elders and Taehyung suffering from extreme boredom, they heard the doorbell ring and soon a loud noise of 5 people chattering was heard...
They looked towards the source of the noise and saw that Jimin, Yoongi, jin, Namjoon and Hoseok were standing there with big smiles on their faces ...

"What are you all doing here ?" Taehyung asked shocked...

"Yah , what do you mean what are we doing here ? We are here to meet our uncle aunty and kookie " Jin said and glared at Taehyung ...

"Oo my babies. ...welcome home's so good to see you all here ...and you have come just in time, food is ready so let's go and dig in " Yoona said and they all cheered and aggreed ...

" Taehyung, can you go call kookie already know his room right?" Junghyun asked and Taehyung nodded ...

Just as Taehyung went upstairs, they all formed and circle in the center and started discussing about their plan as if it was a top secret...

" So, everything is set right?" Jin asked

"Oh yes yes ...all done we just need to wait until Sungho comes here .." Yuri said

"Wait ...does Sungho hyung knows about all this ?" Jimin asked

"No ...we didn't tell him. all know how punctual he is and how he hates lying ...bit don't worry, kookie and him are naturally clingy to each other, so that won't be a problem " Yoona said and they nodded ..

"God ..I am so excited ...MISSION TAEKOOK" Hoseok said loudly but was smacked by Jin on his mouth ...

"You and your loud ass voice ...keep it down, will you!!" Jin warned Hoseok who just laughed nervously ...

On the other hand, Taehyung went to kookie's room and knocked on the door and entered when he heard a 'come in' from inside ...
He opened the door and saw that his baby bun was sitting on the bed while holding a pen in his right hand, fiddling with it and wearing glasses with a cute pout on his cherry lips while focusing on the words of the book he was reading...
And he would never deny the fact that his heart almost came out of his chest because of how adorable the cute fluff ball looked ...

When Jungkook noticed that the person who came inside didn't say anything,he looked up and was met with the beautiful brown orbs of the elder which looked liked they held the whole galaxy ...

" Taehyung ...what are you doing here and when did you come ?" Jungkook asked and closed the book and took off his glasses .. .

" Uh..I came 30 to 40 minutes ago ...mine and your parents wanted to have some kind of get together so yeah ...
Oh and rest of our friends also came just a few minutes ago because they wanted to meet them and you ?" Taehyung said the last part as if he was himself confused if that was the only reason ...

"Ooo ...I see " Jungkook said

"Btw, your mom wanted me to call you for lunch let's go?" Taehyung again asked and Jungkook nodded after saying 'thank you'...
They both were going downstairs while talking about random things when they heard a voice which was very familiar to Jungkook

"KOOKIE BABY ...." That person shouted in excitement and Jungkook snapped his head towards the voice and once he saw who it was , he didn't wait for a second and ran down the stairs and jumped in the said male's arms hugging him like a koala and wrapping his arms and legs around him and the said male just chuckled and held the clingy baby tightly so that he won't fall down ...

"HYUNGIE !!!" Jungkook squealed loudly.and giggled when his hyungie swirled him around still holding him....
On seeing all this, Taehyung was burning from jealousy and anger ...he had to put the energy of his every cell of his body to not go to them and take Jungkook out of that so called ' hyungie's ' arms and keep him all to himself...
but what Taehyung didn't notice was that- 9 people were watching the whole scene and his reaction with a sly smirk on their face ...


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