Chapter 14

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The whole school was busy with their exam preparations and everyone was nervous as hell ...they were all giving their best to cope up with all the syllabus to perform well in the exams ....

Jungkook and the others were also in the same situation ...they were studying very hard but also were having fun among themselves ...

After the day when Taehyung confronted Jungkook about Beomseok, he was very happy and giggly and that of course didn't go unnoticed by the others ...
They all decided to ask Taehyung the reason of his happiness and after alot of whining and ignoring, Taehyung told them everything and confessed his feelings for the younger ...they all were very happy....well Yoongi and namjoon didn't didn't alow it at first but when Jin and Jimin requested them with using their puppy eyes they finally gave up and also decided to help Taehyung to get Jungkook ....

Today, they all were given some free time to revise their lessons by themselves because all the teachers had some meeting with the principal so most of the students were sitting on the cafeteria ...

Taehyung was also their along with all his friends and hyungs including Jungkook ...They were eating and chatting with each other ...
Jungkook was eating his french fries and  happened to leave some of the tomato sauce beside his lower lip by mistake...
Taehyung who was admiring him the whole time noticed it but didn't say anything because he was afraid that Jungkook would not like it ...
Jimin saw that his best friend was trying to wipe off the sauce but didn't do it so he took it in his hands and decided to help his soulmate ...

"Ahh ... Jungkook-ah have got some sauce on your face " Jimin said

"Ooo ..thank you hyung ..."Jungkook said and started to wipe of the sauce but didn't get the place where it was ...

"Oho ...not there your right no no ...left ...a little up " Jimin

"Here ......
Here it here then ...? .."Jungkook was constantly trying to wipe it off but was failing then Jimin started to execute his main plan ...

"Aish leave it ...tae can wipe it off for him ..." Jimin said and smirked at Taehyung ...

"Ani...Jimin hyung ..can you do it for me plz? " Jungkook said immediately and Taehyung felt hurt ...

"Kookie ...look, I am sitting so far from you ...he is just beside you.   I have to walk and do it for you and I don't want to leave my boyfie " Jimin said and clinged more to his boyfriend ...

"O..ok" Jungkook said and turned towards Taehyung ...

Taehyung lifted his hand and softly placed it on Jungkook lower lip making Jungkook lean into his warm touch making Taehyung smile a little but soon composed it ...
Taehyung swiftly and gently wiped the sauce from his lips while constantly staring at them ...oh how much he wanted to kiss those not so plump but soft and pink lips ...their faces were just inches apart and they could feel each other's breathe on their face ...
Jungkook was able to get a fresh Minty smell from the elder's  slightly parted lips ...they were just stating at each other as if the whole world has disappeared and it was only them but they came out of their phase when they heard a click sound ...
They both turned around and saw that Jin and Jimin were holding their face as if they are taking pictures ...
They both leaned back on their chairs and Jungkook asked ..

"Why are you both holding your phone like that?" Jungkook

"Uhmmm ...we...we were just taking selfies ...yeah selfie know to post it on instagram .."Jin stuttered ...

" Ooo ok ..." Jungkook said still a bit confused ...

While Jungkook was talking to others, Taehyung just licked the sauce that he got on his fingers while removing it from jungkook's lips and smiled to himself ...
(A/N - plz imagine this whole scene and you will know what I am trying to imply will definitely be smiling)

After that there was an announcement saying that every student must return back to their classes and study so they all went to their respective classes and sat down ...but this time instead was sitting on the back, Taehyung went to sit beside Jungkook ...

"Umm ..koo...I mean Jungkook can I sit here?" Taehyung asked nervously because Jungkook did not reply ...

"'s ok don't wan..." Taehyung said but was cut off by Jungkook who immediately almost shouted ..

"NO !!  ...I mean ..yeah you can sit here" Jungkook said and scooted over ...

Taehyung smiled and sat down beside his kookie .. the teacher came and they all started their lessons ... and during the whole time, Jungkook and Taehyung were happy...well Jungkook was blushing like a tomato and he doesn't know why ...
'he is just sitting beside me ...why am I blushing like a mad man ...ughhh ...why did he have to sit here ...but ...I like it ' Jungkook thinks to himself and smiles because he knows that he feels safe and protected whenever he is with Taehyung and he loves that feeling ....


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- Authornim

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