Chapter 18

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After Taehyung and Jungkook took their shower, they went downstairs to meet everybody in the dining room and sat down on the dining table ...
Soon Jin served their dinner which he and Namjoon prepared for them while they were changing and freshening up ...

"Are you all comfortable in your rooms ?" Jin asked as he started eating ...

"Yes's so beautiful.. I love it " Jimin said while stuffing his mouth with rice and Yoongi chuckled

"Baby, no one is snatching your food slowly" Yoongi said and poked jimin's cheeks ...

"The room is super comfy and the bed is so soft I want to take that bed with me everywhere ..." Hoseok said dreamily. ..

"Oh shut up hobi don't get to talk ...and of course you will be 'comfy' because you are taking the whole bed to  yourself ...tch" Jin saod mockingly ...

"Rude" Hoseok mumbled ...

" Tae and kook ...what about you both ...did you like your room?" Namjoon asked

"Yes hyung's a beautiful room ..." Kookie answered ...

"I am glad you all liked your room " Jin again said ...

"You know what ...I wanted that room, because the bed is super soft and fluffy but this rude person here forced me to take another room both a very lucky that you get to sleep on that super soft bed because of our pla....owww" Hoseok said to taekook but winced in pain when Jin kicked his leg from underneath the table and glared at him. . .

"Can you shut up for a moment!!!" Jimin said and gave a death glare to hobi who smiled nervously ...

"Ahh ...the food is getting cold ...we should eat " hobi said smiling awkwardly and stuffed his mouth with food and taekook looked at all of them like 'what the fuck is going on with you all?'

"Yeah ...we should eat before it becomes cold and then go to sleep ...we are tired " Jin said and fake yawned ...

They all nodded and went back to eating ...
After a while, they all were done eating and Jungkook helped Jin in washing the dishes and they all went to their rooms ...

Taehyung and Jungkook entered their room and they both were standing in the middle of the room awkwardly for straight 5 minutes but Taehyung decided to break the silence ...

"I will take the couch can have the bed " Taehyung said and looked at Jungkook ...

"No no sleep on the bed, I will take the couch " Jungkook also said, now looking at Taehyung ...

"It's ok ko..I mean Jungkook ...I will be ok " Taehyung said but Jungkook again declined ...
Taehyung sighed and put his hands on jungkook's shoulder softly and leaned towards his face and jungkook froze ...

"I will be ok Jungkook ...just go and sleep on the bed  ..hmm?" Taehyung said and went towards the couch without waiting for reply and Jungkook was still frozen ...
After a while, he came out of his phase and looked at Taehyung who was already laying on the couch ...

He sighed on defeat and layed on the bed, staring at the ceiling ...
Both were trying to sleep but couldn't ...Jungkook, because he was thinking about everything he has felt about Taehyung while he is with him and Taehyung because of the nervousness that he was sleeping in the same room with the love of his life and also because he had the habit of cuddling something or someone while sleeping and now that he was on the couch he couldn't do it they both were just rolling on the bed and couch trying to find a position to sleep ...

Jungkook rolled the bed once again and faced the couch, he noticed that Taehyung was constantly moving and rolling around and squirming on the couch so Jungkook sat up and went towards Taehyung ...

He kneeled before Taehyung and said ...

"Can't sleep ?" Jungkook asked very softly and Taehyung opened his eyes to see the most beautiful scene of his life ...
Their was Jungkook kneeling down near the couch like a cute little baby, the moonlight coming from the window slightly kissing his face making him look like a complete angel, the soft wind caressing his fluffy smooth locks slightly exposing his beautiful hazel coloured eyes ...the whole scene only made Taehyung's feelings for the younger to grow more and more ...

"No" Taehyung replied and sat up ...

"Same " Jungkook said and sat beside Taehyung on the couch

"Wanna talk?" Jungkook suggested ...

"About?" Taehyung asked confused

"About the reason why you can't sleep " Jungkook

'its you' Taehyung said in his mind but couldn't muster up the courage to say it in reality...

"Umm ... actually... that's ..uh ..don't laugh at me plz ..." Taehyung said and Jungkook giggled ...

"Why would I laugh ...just tell me " Jungkook said

"That's ...I .. actually ..I don't know how to say ....I can't ... sleepwithoutcuddlingsomething" Taehyung said in one breathe ...

"Pardon!!I didn't understand anything" Jungkook said

"I can't sleep without cuddling something" Taehyung said and looked down, embarrassed ...but he became shocked when Jungkook held his hands and made him stand up ...

"That's such a cute thing ...why didn't you tell me before ..." Jungkook said and dragged Taehyung to the bed ...

"Now lay down " Jungkook said to Taehyung once they were near the bed ...

"What ?? But you were ..." Taehyung got interrupted by Jungkook ...

"Sleep here ,on the bed ......with me " Jungkook said and blushed furiously and thanked God that the room's light was dim so Taehyung couldn't see it. ..

"Are sure? Taehyung asked stuttering still very flustered ...

"Yes ..I..i am s.sure " Jungkook also stuttered ...
Jungkook got up on the bed and scooted over for Taehyung to lay down
Once Taehyung layed beside Jungkook, he unconsciously kept his hand on jungkook's waist out of habit of holding something while sleeping and Jungkook's heart started beating very fast and he was sure that Taehyung could hear it ...
Once Taehyung saw what he has done, he immediately removed his hand...

"I ..I am so sorry ..I .I. di.. didn't mean to ...I ..ju..just ...out of habit .." Taehyung was rambling but Jungkook stopped him ..

"Hey hey's .it's fine ...don't panick ..." Jungkook said and held Taehyung's hand and put it on his own waist by himself ...

"You can cuddle me if you want" Jungkook said, almost whispered because of the close proximity. ..

"Can I ?" Taehyung also asked whispering as he looked into jungkook's eyes and Jungkook nodded ...

"Thanks koo" Taehyung subconsciously said the nickname and pulled Jungkook closer to himself and held him tightly in his arms ...
And Jungkook was now a tomato because of the nickname that Taehyung gave him ...he sighed happily and snuggled more into Taehyung's chest, enjoying his warmth ...they finally drifted into dreamland with each other in their arms and a smile on both of their faces ...


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