Third Person's P.O.V.
Naruto was disturbed from his deep slumber when he felt someone poking his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes to find Kakashi staring straight into his face.
The Orange clad ninja opened his mouth to ask his Sensei what was wrong when Kakashi placed a finger in front of his mouth before pointing to the left.
Closing his mouth, Naruto shifted his gaze to where Kakashi was pointing and the blond's eyes immediately softened.
Shizukana was asleep with her head on his shoulder. Naruto slowly slithered his hand from Shizukana's back. Just as he was about to get up from the bed, Shizukana let out a soft murmur. Unsure of what to do, Naruto looked back at Kakashi with desperation in his eyes.
Kakashi nodded before moving to the other side of the bed and gently placing his left hand in between Naruto's shoulder and Shizukana's head.
Taking this as a sign, Naruto stealthily moved away from Shizukana and off the bed. Kakashi held Shizukana's head in place as he adjusted her pillow.
After adjusting the pillow, the Jonin shifted Shizukana's position and laid her head on the pillow. He was so gentle and steady that Shizukana didn't even feel anything.
Satisfied with his work, Kakashi brushed Shizukana's hair away from her face and tucked her blanket closer to her body.
Once he was done, he turned around to face Naruto who was stretching his arms while yawning.
"How was your cuddling session?" Kakashi was with a teasing voice. This made Naruto stare at Kakashi with wide eyes. He quickly averted his gaze when he felt his face heat up.
Naruto whined making Kakashi chuckle. "You looked so cute together," Kakashi said patting the blond.
Naruto glared playfully before glancing at Shizukana. "Is she going to be sleeping all the time?" Naruto asked slightly frowning.
"Well, according to Lady Tsunade, it will gradually decrease as her body heals" Kakashi replied. "Don't fret. She's going to be fine. However, we have to need a doctor to do a check-up on her." Kakashi said placing his hand on his hip.
"Does that mean we have to wake her up?" The Uzumaki asked with concern. As much as he liked to see Shizukana with a smile, he could see the pain that was hidden behind her eyes. It was something he had noticed about. Plus she looked so peaceful when she was asleep.
"I don't have the heart to do so," Kakashi said running his hand through his hair.
"She looks so peaceful," Naruto said voicing his previous thoughts.
"But we have to. We need to see if she's alright." Kakashi sighed placing his hand in his pocket. "I'll go and find a doctor. Stay here." Kakashi said receiving a nod from Naruto.
After Kakashi had left the room, Naruto took a seat on a chair. He felt a small blush form on his face when he remembered sleeping next to Shizukana.
He shook his head as he played with the ends of his sleeve. His mind kept wandering to when Shizukana felt guilty for what Sasuke did.
He didn't know how someone could be so innocent. If it were anyone else in Shizukana's position, the feeling of guilt won't even cross their minds but Shizukana was drowning guilt.
Naruto was interrupted from his train of thoughts when the door opened and Kakashi and Lady Shizune entered along with Sakura who was carrying a clipboard.
"Luckily, Lady Shizune was around," Kakashi said walking towards Shizukana's bed and reaching out to wake her. But instead, he found his hand hovering over Shizukana's shoulder.

Silence (Under Rewrite)
FanfictionDeath. I expected it but it came when I I least expected. Reincarnation. I don't know what to expect from it. But I've learnt that one must always expect the unexpected.