Third Persons P.O.V.
Everyone paused to look at the newcomer.
The smoke cleared as Naruto's blond hair became more and more visible.
"Naruto Uzumaki is here." The blond Genin yelled announcing his arrival. "There's nothing to fear now."
He made the hand sign for the shadow clone. "Shadow clone Jutsu." He yelled making three clones jump towards Haku.
Shizukana and Kakashi grimaced at the blond's decision to tell the energy not only his location but his Jutsu.
Zabuza panicked at the sudden appearance and he threw three shuriken at Naruto.
"Naruto move!" Kakashi yelled making Naruto freeze.
Shizukana's eyes widened and she concentrated on slowing down the shuriken.
Before she could do anything, three Senbon deflected the shuriken making both Shizukana and Sasuke look at Haku in surprise.
"Leave him. I want to do it my way." Haku said making Zabuza chuckle.
"You have always been soft." Zabuza said. "Fine, deal with the brats your way."
Shizukana narrowed her eyes. Soft? Has he been soft on us? Sasuke's vitals were never hit. He has been soft on us.
Shizukana moved closer to Sasuke. "The mirrors are weak from the outside of Naruto can attack from there, then we might be able to break through." She whispered into to the Uchiha's ear.
Sasuke nodded. The both of them kept their defensive stances and looked for Haku who had merged back into his mirrors.
"Hey guys, I sneaked in here to save you." Naruto said appearing right next to the Genin.
"You idiot." Sasuke hissed at the confused blond while Shizukana sighed in defeat.
"What?" Naruto asked utterly confused at Sasuke's statement.
"Why the hell did you come in here. You should have attacked from the outside." Sasuke said with anger in his voice.
Shizukana put her hand between the Uzumaki and the Uchiha. "Stop. Turn your anger towards the enemy, not each other."
"Fools, you do bot know what its like to be a shinobi." Haku said before he sent a barrage of Senbon towards the Genin.
Shizukana slowed the incoming Senbon making Naruto gasp in surprise. Sasuke and Shizukana ran towards the mirrors in hope to break them.
Before they could do reach the mirrors, senbon attacked Sasuke while Haku grabbed Shizukana and pulled her once more through the mirrors.
"No!-" Sasuke yelled when Shizukana let out a pained cry from the cold. Shizukana collapsed for the second time, releasing the Senbon which were inside the dome.
She skidded to a halt a few feet away from Kakashi's and Zabuza's fight. Kakashi Sensei tried to get to Shizukana but Zabuza didn't allow that to happen as his sword came swinging down towards Kakashi.
Shizukana's P.O.V.
I shivered as I felt the cold concrete against my face. The first time was bearable but the second wasn't.
I felt heat come out of the dome but couldn't move. What ever Sasuke and Naruto were doing, they have to do it fast.
I tried to stand but failed when my knees collapsed. I fell to the ground but managed to sit down and get a view of the battle inside the dome.

Silence (Under Rewrite)
FanfictionDeath. I expected it but it came when I I least expected. Reincarnation. I don't know what to expect from it. But I've learnt that one must always expect the unexpected.