58. Awkwardness and Bleeding Noses.

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Shizukana's P.O.V.

A soft hum mixed with the sound of footsteps woke me up from my sleep. There was only one person who would hum that tune.

"Shizukana, it's time to wake up." Sakura sang before I heard the horrid ring of the curtains being pulled apart. The harsh morning light engulfed the entire room, making me groan while covering my face with the blanket.

After yesterday's incident with the teleportation from the corridor to my room and Lady Tsunade's warning, I got little to no sleep.

"Five more minutes?" I asked desperately while trying to get back to sleep.

"Nope, today's a big day and we have to start early," Sakura said. The sound of her voice kept getting louder and louder as she walked towards me. "Come on." She urged, tugging my blanket. "Alright", I mumbled dejectedly. It was at this moment I realized why I had to wake up early. On a flip of a switch, I sat up on the bed, startling a poor Sakura.

"Finally realized what today was?" Sakura teased making me nod in excitement. "Alright, the clothes are in the bathroom and Lady Tsunade told me to get rid of the bandages," Sakura said pointing towards the bathroom before gesturing to my chest.

The excitement that I felt suddenly faded into hesitancy. Bandages. There's going to be a dreadful scar. Sensing my distress, Sakura walked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"This day was inevitable." She spoke softly. "It's going be alright." She encouraged me while putting on a bright smile.

Not wanting to ruin the mood, I flashed Sakura a smile before marching towards the bathroom.

I closed the door and immediately noticed the clothes. I quickly refreshed myself before putting them on. There was a pair of pants and a  long-sleeved t-shirt that seemed a bit big for me. And placed next to them, were a pair of black ninja sandals.

After putting on the shirt, I gently traced over the bandage while staring at the mirror. It won't affect anything. It will be covered by my clothes. A soft knock on the door made me snap out of my reverie.

"Shizukana, do you need help with the bandages?" Sakura asked, her voice muffled by the door.

"I'm fine," I called back. There was a sound of acknowledgement that made me turn back to the mirror.

Letting out a long exhale, I reached under the shirt and began to loosen the bandages. It was a bit of work but within no time, I managed to remove them.

Discarding them in the trash can, I glanced at the mirror and grimaced.

Feathery fern-like patterns were imprinted on my skin. The skin on my chest had turned a light purplish red colour while the lightning marks were a dull black.

I pulled down the collar of the shirt to find a small fist-shaped scar that seemed to be the root of the lightning scars. Slowly lifting my hand, I traced the scar, shuddering lightly as my cold fingers touched my skin.

I shut my eyes when the memory of Sasuke entered my mind. The piercing pain of the Chidori entering my chest. I clenched my jaw as I tightened my fist.

Letting my anger fade, I tilted my head as I stared numbly at the mirror. I was so captured in my thoughts that I couldn't hear Sakura calling my name.

"-izukana? Shizukana?" Sakura's voice cut through the air as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I called out before I opening the door. Sakura stood on the other side. She smiled softly before her eyes travelled to my chest.

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