Warning, it's a pretty long chapter.3rd Person P.O.V
The first stage of the exam had started and all the Genin were concentrated on the 9 questions in front of them.
Shizukana furrowed her eyebrows at the complexity of the questions. Half of the Genin here will not know the answers to half the questions here. What are they trying to play?
Shizukana scanned the room to find the Sentinels writing on their clipboards. She smirked when she figured it all out. They want us to cheat. The hidden meaning of the test is information gathering. That's why we have five chances before getting disqualified.
She watched as Sasuke activated his Sharingan. The female member of Lee's team, Tenten had a mirror which reflected her neighbors answers.
Shizukana had no need to cheat since she knew all the questions. It wasn't easy questions but she managed to understand each and everyone.
Twenty minutes in to the exam, a Chunin called out. "#72,31,24 are disqualified."
The said numbers stood up and left the room.
Shizukana continued answering her questions. A few minutes later, she finished her paper and set her pencil down.
More people left the room with complaints and whines.
Sasuke deactivated his Sharingan after finishing his paper. He smirked at the the fact the person in front of him was fidgeting nervously.
Meanwhile Naruto was having a mid-life crisis. He kept refusing Hinata's answers saying that he had to do this on his own.
A smile crept onto the Blonds face when he saw the white-haired kunoichi set her pencil down. She must have had no problem answering these questions.
Shizukana P.O.V
I lazily looked around the room as the Sentinels kept disqualifying teams. There were 150 candidates meaning 40 teams. There are only 35 teams left.
Ibiki stood up and slammed his hand onto the desk in front of him. This caused everyone in the room to gasp in surprise. Well, except a few emotionless ninja.
"Times up. Now the rules of the last question. Now, anyone who wants to answer the 10th question may stay in the room. Others will exit the room thus, forfeiting from the exams." Ibiki said making me tilt my head in confusion. He continued. "But, if you accept and answer incorrectly, then you will fail and be banned from taking the Chunin exams for a decade."
At that, everyone in the room gasped.
Dramatic much. I looked at Sasuke who was glaring at the proctor. I turned backwards to see Naruto with his mouth wide open.
I then set my gaze on Ibiki to find him glaring at everyone in the class. What is he trying to do?
A few minutes of silence, Genin from a round the room raised their hands and left the room with their team members.
Seven teams left, leaving only 27 teams.
I looked at Sasuke to find him staring with horror etched on his face. I followed his gaze to find Naruto raising his hand. My eyes widened at that. No! Don't give up. He's tricking you.
But instead Naruto slammed his hand down on the table. " I will not Give up."
This made me smile in relief.
"Alright. Everyone who stayed will pass the first stage of the Chunin Exams. Congratulations. " Ibiki said making me smirk.
Before anyone could say anything, the window exploded and a cloaked figure crashed into the room.

Silence (Under Rewrite)
FanfictionDeath. I expected it but it came when I I least expected. Reincarnation. I don't know what to expect from it. But I've learnt that one must always expect the unexpected.