Flowers & Dreams

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The next day, George accidentally slept with his phone open.

George stretched both of his arms and gets up, he goes downstairs to eat something.

His almost ran out of food, good thing he had more money to buy foods, he checked the window it's snow?

George took his jacket, phone, and his wallet.

He goes to the market, and buy some foods that he will be needing, he saw Karl & Nick at the bench talking. George handed the money to the storekeeper, He walk through Karl & Nick at the bench

"Hey guys! What you guys doing here?" he asks

"We're just hanging out since you know, it's winter." Karl says

"You can sit with us, if you want too." Nick says


George sit on the right side, and they chat for a bit to get to know each other more.

"Hey guys, do you know who's the old owner of the house I'm living?" he asks

"I'm not sure..." Karl says

"His nickname is Dream, he said.." George says

"Oh.. Uh.. Uhm.. I know.." Nick says

"Wait what? You know him?" George questions

"Yeah.. His just an old friend i had.." he says

"Oh.. I didn't know your his friend! He didn't told anything about you." George says

"O-oh... Heh.. I guess his shy to say it" Nick lets out a awkward giggle

"Yeah maybe" he says and giggled

"I better get going now, Goodbye Karl & Sap!"

"See you around, George." Karl says

"Bye, George.." Nick says

George stands up, and goes at the house

He put the groceries at the counter, took all of the foods and put it at the fridge

His phone is ringing, George pick it up and checked it. It was Dream calling..

George answers it.

"Hey Mystery boy, How you doing?" he asks

"Just putting the foods at the fridge I buy at the market at this winter." He replied

"Also, I didn't know you had a old friend Dream." George says

"Yeah, was it Sap?" Dream questioned

"Yup, also me and Sap became friends. I asked him if he know you." he says

"Oh.. Did he told you my real name..?" he asks

"Nope, because i was in hurry. I was about to ask him that but i have groceries to put at the fridge and it was freezing outside." George says

"Don't worry i will tell you my real name.. Soon.." Dream says

"Ok if you say so.." George lets out a sigh

"Anyways, how's the flowers?" Dream asks

"It's okay.." he says
"Since it's winter, i think the flowers will not last longer." George replies

"Well, i can deliver you some flowers after the winter is finish." he says

"Yeah yeah sure, Flower boy." George lets out a giggle

"I think i should talk to you later, Dream." George says

"Oh, it's okay you sound very busy anyways.. Sorry if I disturb you." Dream apologized

"It's okay, I'm going to hang up now Dream, Bye."

George ended the call, he continued what his doing.

After putting the groceries at the places, he lay down at the couch for a bit to rest.

1 hour later..

George woked up, and gets up
He forgot to water the flowers, he quickly check the flowers if they're dead

It's still look okay.. And not dead, After watering the flowers someone knock on the door.

George opened the door, and it's Wilbur.

"Hey George, do you wanna hang out at this winter?" Wilbur asks

"I mean, sure." George says

"Alrightly, follow me!" He says

George head to Wilbur's House to hangout
They both sat down at the couch, and chat a bit

"George, Do you wanna hear a song?" he asks

"Sure!" George sounded excited


Wilbur takes his guitar, and let's out a sigh

"Your the first one to hear this song by the way" Wilbur says

"Oh, i can't wait to hear it!" George giggles

Wilbur lets out other sigh, and put his finger at the strings

And started to sing

After singing, George was happy

"Wilbur! That song is so awesome!" he says

"Oh, Thanks George" Wilbur thanked him

"Anytime, Guitar Boy!" George giggles

"Ohhh, so you had a nickname for me already!" Wilbur giggles and tickles George

"Wilbur! Stop tickling me!" George laughed

"Noooo i will not, Glasses boy!" Wilbur laughed

"You also had a nickname for me, and now I'm going to tickle you!" George giggles

George tickles Wilbur back, for tickling him

They both had a nice friendship.

An hour later..

"Hm.. It's getting late now.." George says

"Oh, i can get you home if you want too." Wilbur says

"I will be okay to be alone, but Thanks Wilbur" He thanked him nicely

"Anytime, now see you tomorrow, Glasses boy" Wilbur giggled

"You too, Guitar boy" George giggled

George head to his house, and put his jacket at the couch

Staring at flowers, made him feel that his not lonely.

Words: 827-

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