1987 & 2021

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Months later..

It's been a month since Dream and George know each other a lot, but George doesn't even know the reason why Dream sell the house that was built in 1987?

"Hey Dream.."


"Why did you sell your house?" he asks

"Well... I can't say.. The reason why." Dream replies

"Was it a private reason?" George questions

"Yes.. I.. I Don't wanna tell you, yet." he says

"Okay then... Also I'm kind of bored."

"You can hang up if you want too." Dream says

"I have better things to do so, I'm hanging up. Bye Flower boy."

"Bye, Mystery boy"

George ended the call, and took his laptop.

He opened it, and logged in
George opened the Google and type for something

"I should.. Find out what happened to this house.. He always won't tell me if i ask those things about him." George says

He type the name of the house, and reads the articles

"No... Not that one.."

He clicked on the other one and it's not that one

Hours and hours finding the article of this house, he finally found one.

He reads some of it and found the article about Dream and reads it.

"The house owner was--"

Someone knock on the door, George quickly go downstairs and opened the door

It's Darryl.

"Hey George! Do you wanna hang out?" Darryl asks

"Sure..?" He says

"Let's go!" Darryl sounded excited

George head to Darryl's House, and There's many people.

"Oh! Forgot to tell you- I hosted a party at my house" Darryl says

"Darryl, Who's the new guest you invited?" The girl questions

"Oh this is George, George meet Niki Nihachu!" Darryl says

"H-hi?.." George says

"Hello! Nice to meet you, George!" Niki says

"You too.." George replies

Then there's two people who interrupted the conversation.

"Hey! Darryl! Is there any drugs around here?" The blonde haired person said

"Tommy! There's no drugs at this party!" The brown haired person said


"Tubbo. I thought this is a drug party?" Tommy asks

"No. It isn't." Tubbo says

Niki and George lets out a giggle while Darryl and Tommy are fighting but Tubbo is trying to stop it.

"Tubbo.. What's going on here?" The tall man questions

"Ranboo! Helppp" Tubbo cries for help


Ranboo picks up Tubbo, and walks away

"Oh okay." Tubbo says

"Tubbo and Ranboo! Where are you going?!" Tommy yells

Reply 1987 // DNF Fanfic // dreamnotfound // COMPLETE | !!OLD FANFICTION!!Where stories live. Discover now