I Love You (FINALE)

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(Hi, this is the last chapter of this story :) andddd yes this is just a short fanfic I'm sorry-, i will make a new DNF Fanfic i promise it will be a long story- i hope you look forward to it! Anyways enjoy this last chapter!✨)

"George, Dream was dead 2 years ago." Nick says

"Wait... T-that's impossible..!" How can he still call me?!" George was shaking

"It's true George.. Clay was dead 2 years ago.." Darryl says sadly

George was panicking, and sweating

"I'm going now."

George stands up. And quickly rush to the door

He quickly opened the door and locked it
His trying to find his phone, he remembered that it was upstairs

He quickly opened it and called Dream






No answer.


George was shaking..

He opened his laptop, and finds the articles about Clay.

All of it says that he was Dead.

He closed his laptop, and covered his head with a pillow

George quietly sobs

"It... Can't be... True.." He whimpered

"Impossible.. How can he still call me..?"

"Am.. I going crazy..?.." He says

He opened his phone and calls Dream again. No answer..

He tried and tried and tried just to call Dream.. But it's no use.

Patches entered the room and jumped on the bed

Patches lay down at George's back

George pets Patches and Patches purred

It made George calm down a bit, he stared at the flowers..

It rained again, good thing he head home.

He was kinda hungry, he go downstairs and opened the fridge at the kitchen

George took out the soda and closed the fridge

He took some 2 slice of bread, Peanut and jam

After that, he lay down on his couch and overthink again and again..

He cannot stop thinking about Dream.

The only thing that calms him the most is Dream.. His voice we're calm and warm, it made him all calm down so much.

He just imagined Dream's voice, so it can make him calm down a bit

Someone is knocking at the door, he stands up and answers it.

It was Nick, Karl and Alex.

"What do you guys want.." George questions

"We just wanted to say sorry.. About earlier.." Nick says

"It's fine, i don't mind." George slowly closes the door but Nick pulled him and hugged him


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