Missed Calls

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ALSO-- Tysm Nixifer_ for voting this story✨ go follow them! Anyways enjoy this other lazy chapter lmao 👀-

Forgot to tell you at the start- George has Athazagoraphobia and Can hear many voices due to Childhood Trauma and if his Stressed out he can hear voices btw--

A week later... It's rainy day.

"Patches, Are you hungry little kitty?"

Patches followed George at the kitchen

George gave patches some cat food, and walked away

He sat at the couch and took his phone to call Dream.









No answer.

"Is he ignoring my call? Maybe not.. He might be busy or something.." he says

He looked at the window. It's raining

"I should take a shower.." George stood up and go at the bathroom

After showering, he took his towel and put it on his waist, and go upstairs.

After dressing up, he go downstairs and making his hair dry with a towel.

He put his towel at the bathroom, and walks away

George sit on the couch and hugged the pillow

Patches jump at the couch and lay down at the side

George pets Patches, Patches purrs

"H-he'll be okay..." George whispered

George stared at the flowers, his eyes we're full of tears.

He wiped the tears away, the rain turned into storm.

Patches hide to George's arms while scared

When the thunder hits, Patches hide under the couch

George stands up and looked under the couch

"Hey Patches.. It's okay no need to be Afraid" he says

He tried pulling Patches out but it's no use..
George left Patches alone under the couch.

He decided to go upstairs and opened his laptop.

George collapse on the bed and wait for the laptop to load for a while..

He tried calling Dream, but he won't answer..

"Come on.. Dream.. Please answer..." He says

George tried calling him 3 times but it's no use.

"He didn't forget me..." he says 5 times on himself

He quietly whimpered, Patches walk to the bedroom and lay down beside George

George slowly pets Patches, He smiled a bit..

He looked at his laptop, he forgot that he opened it.

George decided to watch something that will make him happy, he doesn't want to overthink about Dream.

Few hours later...

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