Two Days Left

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Today, KEL was restless.

REALLY restless.

Like, the kind of restless one would feel after downing seven cups of coffee in one sitting and being told to stand in the corner to think about life.

This past week has flown by where KEL had basically done nothing but play video games by himself, play basketball by himself, and was practically doing nothing but hanging out by himself. It was starting to get really really boring without any social interactions.

Getting up from his bed, he scratched his head as he wondered to himself what he was going to do today in order to fix this restless feeling. It was already the afternoon, so there should still be daytime left to burn.

Today was the middle of Summer. The hot heat outside made it a perfect time to go do something fun and energetic. Especially with some friends.

If only he could find someone to do something fun with...


Oh! That's it!

Maybe the best way to spend this day was to get his high school basketball team together and asked the captain if he wanted to train before school starts back up again!

With an excited gleam, KEL immediately grabbed his house phone and dialed a phone number as he mentally high-fived himself for a great idea. It'll be fun! He'll get to see the team again, reminisce the good ol' times, ask them how their lives have been and if they've gone through any adventures over the summer-

"Yeah, no, sorry man. I'm out on a ski trip with my family. Won't be able to ask anyone anything until I get back home."

"Oh." KEL blinked, not expecting the sails of his boat to be knocked out so early. Ah well, no big deal. That's life.

"Oh, but I don't mind if you want to round the old team up to do some practice games if you want. Just give them a call!"

Oh yeah, that's a great idea!


Except... Er...

"I... um... I don't have any of the other team member's phone numbers..." KEL mumbled embarrassingly.

"Seriously? You've been on the team for two years now and you only have my phone number?"

"I mean, it just never came up! I never needed anything from the team until now, and it's not like anyone calls me either..." KEL sighed, before having another brilliant idea! "Ooh! If you still know the other guy's phone numbers, how about listing them off to me?"

"Sure, man! Here, give me a sec to find my notepad. I wrote everyone's phone number on a list."

KEL patiently waited while kicking his feet, listening as his captain made rustling noises on the other end of the phone.

"Uh..." He could hear a nervous mumble.

"Anything wrong?" KEL asked.

"No, not really- Well, I mean... Hmm... Actually, yeah. I totally forgot to bring my notepad with me."

KEL sighed, "Seriously?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting to actually need it during this trip! This vacation was supposed to be family-focused, you know? Sorry man..."

"Nah, it's cool." KEL reassured, "I guess I'll just find something else to do in the meantime."

"Sure man. Hope you have a nice summer."

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