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BASIL gave a satisfied nod, "Another perfect picture!"

AUBREY immediately hopped up from the picnic blanket before swarming over to BASIL, "I wanna see! Let me see let me see!"

KEL followed after her, "Hey! No fair! I wanted to be the first to see!"

HERO sat up next, going into protective peacekeeper mode, "Hey, guys, don't crowd him! You can each take a turn to see it once the photo gets printed!"

SUNNY had somehow already sneaked by everyone and was hanging his head over BASIL's shoulder to see the photograph first.

BASIL laughed nervously at all the attention he was getting, "Guys, come on! You'll make me drop it by accident!"

It was a perfect Summer day for HIKIKO and her friends. A perfect day to have a picnic by the lake of their secret spot.

She looked up at the stars shining above, pulling her hair back as she enjoyed the breeze of the wind.

Another perfect day...

BASIL eventually managed to get everyone else to settle down as they all formed behind him in a group, waiting for the picture to finalize.

Once it did, everyone gave a happy cheer at how beautiful the picture must have been.

BASIL was always such a good photographer. Getting him that camera on his birthday was the best idea HIKIKO ever had.

Now every day would be captured perfectly and never forgotten.

"HIKIKO, do you wanna take a look?" BASIL invited her over with an excited smile.

HIKIKO softly giggled, "Of course! Show me what you got!"

BASIL handed the photo over to her, allowing her to admire his handiwork.

All of them gathered in a circle on the picnic blanket, having fun and smiling all their troubles away. KEL and HERO were having a brotherly roughhousing session, while AUBREY and SUNNY were cuddling up close with HIKIKO in the center.

Amazing as always. Another perfect memory to place in the photo album.

"Everyone looks so cute!" HIKIKO practically gushed, "Aww, BASIL, this is great!"

BASIL gave an embarrassed chuckle as he blushed and rubbed his neck, "Aw, HIKIKO! You say that for every single picture I take!"

"That's because it's true!" She giggled, "I don't think I've ever seen you take a bad photo of us before."

"Now that's not true... You're just saying that!" Despite his words, BASIL was beaming with pride.

Pulling out the photo album in his pocket, he placed the new photo on a blank page as everyone gathered together to take a look and review everything they did today.

"Look at all the photos I was able to get just from today!" BASIL said happily. "At this rate, I'm going to need to buy another photo album just to fit more!"

AUBREY moved around the picture of them penguin-sliding when they went up to the snowy mountains earlier, "The penguins were so nice to let us ride on them! I hope we'll be able to visit them again someday!"

KEL pointed to a picture of himself standing on top of a table while pumping a glass of milk into the air victoriously, "Going to the Wild Saloon was fun! I can't believe I still managed to outdrink all the other Cowfolks and not puke right after!"

HERO fondly pressed on a picture of himself swimming with technicolored narwhals when they traveled to the beach, "Aw man, I can't believe we did this one just today! Those narwhals were so much fun to hang out with, if only we could have gotten to know them a little bit longer before they had to leave."

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