V for Victory-Sign

435 22 12

8:00 AM


BASIL slowly opened his eyes as his alarm clock brought him awake.

His hand went out to press the silence button, his body already moving to stand up and get ready for the day.

BASIL had to rub his eyes a bit, giving his mind some time to catch up with everything that happened yesterday night.

SUNNY... He really was awake now, wasn't he? That wasn't just a long fever dream from working himself too hard?

BASIL inadvertently got his answer by the chirps of some birds outside his window. Looking out, he saw the shattered glass still in its broken condition from last night, with two blue jay birds casually perched right in the broken center of it. Broken, presumably because of KEL trying to break in to give him that nearly undecipherable letter while he was out.

Speaking of...

Pulling the letter out from under his pillow, he reread the most important sentence on the back that proved he hadn't gone insane yet.


Yesterday wasn't a dream. It all actually happened.

SUNNY really came back.

With the realization now settling in, his morning drowsiness was wiped away in an instant to make room for the new giddy excitement growing inside.

SUNNY was back!

BASIL had to go get ready to pick him up soon! Today was going to be a fun and busy day!

8:05 AM

Brushing his teeth merrily to a tune in his head, he swayed his head from side to side while smiling in the mirror.

Spitting the paste out from his mouth, he did a quick rinse and gargle before cleaning his face up.

"How do I look? You think I need to touch myself up a bit before coming over?" He curiously asked, studying his facial features.

The image of his best friend casually leaning against the doorway stared back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're right. I probably look fine." BASIL reassured himself, splashing some more cold water on his face to hype himself up.

He had been taking proper care of himself for all these years. BASIL shouldn't need to worry about looking unkempt or something in front of SUNNY. He should be fine the way he was.

8:20 AM

BASIL was practically scarfing down the eggs and toast he made for himself this morning, impatiently speedrunning through all of his morning rituals as the excitement for the day practically fueled his blood.

Usually, he liked to practice his cooking whenever he got the chance, but today was going to be an exception for him. Besides, he and SUNNY were probably gonna go out to eat later when he showed his best friend around. Gotta make room in his stomach for all the best places!

8:35 AM

BASIL calmly and methodically checked every single plant around his house.

Despite his ever-growing excitement to go out and pick up his best friend as soon as possible, he knew that this was a part of his morning ritual he just couldn't rush through.

His plants were also his friends. It was his job and duty to take good care of each and every one of them.

"Aw, Mr. Hyacinth... You're dropping petals already?" BASIL murmured sympathetically, examining the wilting purple flower.

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