It Was Like A Show-and-Tell

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"Man, I still can't believe you're actually back..." BASIL giggled happily as he walked side by side next to his super duper very bestest friend in the whole wide world.

They continued down the road, crossing the streets as they headed towards wherever BASIL was leading them.

"How many times have you said that now?" OMORI hummed as he recounted, "Like, probably six?"

"Eight times!" BASIL happily corrected, holding up exactly that many fingers towards the stoic boy.

"Oh, so you are aware." OMORI nodded, "Just checking."

"Hehe, sorry, sorry!" BASIL kept giggling on, "But can you seriously blame me? It's been so long since you've been gone, SUNNY. I've been waiting for this day for the past six years!"

"And that's about the fourth time you said that too." OMORI nodded again, "Does a fifth time come with a free gift?"

"Alright alright alright-" BASIL relented with his hands raised in mock surrender, his ever-bright smile still stuck on his face, "I'll do my best to tone down my excitement and talk about something else for a change."

"Darn. Really wanted that free gift."

They've been doing nonstop banter like this the whole time now, ever since they left OMORI's house.

Despite how snarky his words might suggest, OMORI was actually enjoying spending time with his friend.

It was still so fascinating, seeing this other version of BASIL energetically moving around and talking so comfortably with him. Such a far cry from the anxious wreck of the previous world before.

Without the sins of MARI's death weighing over him, BASIL really did naturally grow up to become a well-functioning young adult. It was so odd to see how life would've been so different for BASIL if MARI never died. When was the last time BASIL and him ever had a casual atmosphere like this?

BASIL eventually tempered his excitement over the stoic boy's dramatic return, before turning to ask, "How have you been adjusting so far? I can't imagine how confusing and stressful it must've been for you to wake up only to realize that you've been asleep for six whole years."

KEL asked similarly yesterday when OMORI was out with him. Might as well give the same answer as before.

"It was a nice nap." OMORI shrugged.

BASIL seemed unsurprised at the indifferent response, giving a humorous eye roll, "Of course you'd say that. A whole portion of your entire life is missing, and all you have to say about it is that it was a nice nap. I get the feeling that you'd still say that even if fifty years had passed."

Probably. A fifty-year-long nap sounded like it'd be nice if he had to be honest. Maybe he shouldn't say that out loud though.

"You were thinking that a fifty-year-long nap would've been nice just now, didn't you?" BASIL suddenly accused, pointing at OMORI's face.

Oop. Busted.

OMORI silently looked away, not willing to confirm or deny the flower boy's allegations.

After a quick minute, BASIL began to giggle happily to himself, "At least you haven't changed at all since you've been gone. I can still read you like a book~ Glad to know that you're still the same old SUNNY."


Just the same old SUNNY, huh?

OMORI kept silent on that as well. It was probably better to let BASIL believe that.

The mood right now was light-hearted and jovial. BASIL seemed to be having the time of his life, and it hadn't even been that long ago since they left his house.

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