We Didn't Even Reach The Climax

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It was nighttime already, wasn't it?

MARI sighed as she idly pressed the same musical key on her toy piano over and over again.

She had been doing this for hours now. The piano key was eventually going to wear out if she kept going like this...

Sitting in the living room with nothing to do, MARI had spent the whole day finding excuses to keep herself busy. She had already swept the house and dusted the corners numerous times today to keep the place looking spotless for SUNNY.

When that eventually bored her, she had an idea pop up in her head to perhaps prepare some activities to do with her little brother once he got back.

Back when they were kids, SUNNY would always look forward to spending time with her by playing whatever they had on hand together. MARI thought it would be a good idea to have something prepared so that they could both play together, just like in the old days.

Excited by the idea of being able to make up for lost time with her little brother, she rummaged around the closet to search for every single toy she could find.

It's certainly no picnic, but... Well, this would have to do for the time being.

She didn't know which he'd want to play first, so she decided to play it safe and just grabbed anything that looked remotely fun.

It had been so long since the two of them ever spent any time playing games with each other. Even before the incident, she had always been...

She had always been too busy to play with him...

She won't make that same mistake ever again.

Eventually, she found herself surrounded by a fortress made out of toys, board games, and all other knick-knacks from her childhood as she waited for her little brother to come back.

It would be comical if it wasn't so depressing.

Still, she was excited to surprise him with all of this once he got back home. Hopefully, SUNNY will be thrilled at the idea of being able to play games with her again.

They can finally be together again.




So... Yeah.

SUNNY should be back any minute now.

Just gotta keep waiting...




Waiting for something to-


The gentle knocking on her front door made her perk up instantly. MARI didn't waste any time setting her toy piano aside on the couch and rushing to the front door as fast as she could.

OMORI didn't have to wait long after knocking before he heard someone sprinting all the way over to the door.

The door flew open, revealing an ecstatic MARI on the other side.

"SUNNY! You're home!" MARI's eyes practically lit up in pure joy before she went ahead to hug the daylights out of her little brother.

OMORI wasn't expecting the energetic greeting, almost nearly losing his balance from getting tackled out of nowhere.

After enjoying the brief hug, MARI pulled herself back and asked, "How was my favorite little brother's day? Did you have fun spending time with KEL?"

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