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TITLE: I was only an EXTRA but the Villain and Male Lead tries to pursue ME?!



It's already the second day of the Match-Up event and Anne hasn't been showing around. It makes us so worried about her, if cellphones are already invented here then I can contact her or atleast know where she is.

Even her roommate, Hilary; told me that she didn't know that Anne just went home last night almost at curfew and left as soon as the sun rises. What's going on with her? Did the Match-up event stressed her out too much?

Or is it because...she's seeing someone?!

Nah, Anne wouldn't do that and if she did; she would tell us about it...

But it's not impossible that my theory is true!

I gaze at the topmost seats in the arena where the emperors, empresses, prince and princesses are sitting and saw that the seventh prince, Khalil and Anne's seats are still empty.

"Is everyone ready for the first event?!"

The arena shook like a mild earthquake when the moderator of the Match-up event shouted with all his might.

His gift might be an Enhancer one, one that enhances the volume of his voice.


Everyone cheered and the crowd goes wild. It seems like I'm inside an arena of a NBA match or a concert by an idol by how this all feels.

"Alright, for the first event! We will have all the students from Aidel first then Donato and lastly from Bogdan!"

So the first match will be students from Aidel for the preliminary match and students from Bogdan will be the last ones who will fight.

You see, according to the novel. It goes by this! For the first day, they will introduce all the participants from three empires.

For the second day: Students from the same empire will have to have as much points as possible. How? They will have a ring similar to a boxing match ring where they will score points by how many students you threw out of the ring.

For the third day: They will have a sparring match by group. The group who will win will advance to the next day.

For the fourth day: Those groups will now be remain into by twos. Unlike the previous day where they can choose their group, the duo will be grouped by the emperors.

For the fifth day: The final day is where the duo will fight each other and at the same day will fight with the remaining students from the same empire. Too bad, students from different empires can't fight since each emperor will award a noble title to the one remaining student from their empire.

The male lead and Cain will participate in this event on their third year. Of course, unlike other royalties who cannot participate; the male lead disguised as Eros is allowed to.

I remember in the novel how people shouted 'boo!' at Cain and even throws a bunch of stuff towards him even going as far throwing a brick to his head which cause it to bleed.

I'm An Extra Being Pursued By The Villain And Male Lead 《ON-HOLD》Where stories live. Discover now